1994 Massillia Trophy
Marseilles, France

Language: French
Commercials?: no
Channel: France3
Time: 1:32

For the most part, the men have been edited out; however, the routines by the Frenchmen Frederic Nicolas and Jean-Fracois Bonvalet (HB and PH) have been left in. I may have missed a few names, since the editing cut out the names, and I couldn't figure out who it was. Also, there are some Sports Acro, RSG, and tumbling which I haven't listed below. One thing that I haven't seen before, is where on FX the gymnasts only do 1 tumbling pass, and are scored on that. At first I thought they were editing out the rest of the routine, but that's all they're really doing.

Simona Amanar ROM: UB, BB, FX
Julie Beaulieu CAN: UB
Laetitia Begue FRA: UB, UB, FX
Irina Boulakova UKR: UB, FX
Cecile Canqueteau FRA: FX, VT, FX
Andrea Cocovean ROM: UB, UB
Marylou Cousineau CAN: FX
Oksana Fabritchova RUS: UB, VT
Laure Gely FRA: UB
Elena Grosheva RUS: FX, FX
Joana Juarez ESP: UB, UB, FX
Svetlana Khorkina RUS: UB
Oksana Kniznik UKR: BB
Dina Kochetkova RUS: UB, BB
Alexandria Koulbitskaya RUS: BB, FX
Virginie Kurentzou GRE: FX
Marine Laganiere CAN: BB
Ye Lin Lin CHN: UB, FX
Tatiana Malaya UKR: VT
Danida Maranduca ROM: FX
Ana Noya ESP: BB
Yelena Shapornaya UKR: UB, FX
Vassilliki Tsavdaridou GRE: UB, VT
Yuan Xexia CHN: UB, VT
Qiao Ya CHN: FX, BB
Olga Yourkina BLR: BB, FX