Language: English
Commercials?: some
Channel: ABC
Mixed Team
Time: 1:27
profile- Jennie Thompson
interview with Shannon Miller; a look at the progress of US women
Mixed team is with teams of 4 (2 men, 2 women). The women competing are shown
below (though both men and women will be on the tape)
Ana Maria Bican ROM: VT, BB
Irina Bulakhova UKR: UB, FX
Oksana Chusovitina UZB: VT, FX
Oksana Fabrichnova RUS: FX, BB
Elena Grosheva RUS: UB
Svetlana Khorkina RUS: VT, UB
Oksana Knizhnik UKR: VT
Zhang Li CHN: UB
Ionela Loaies ROM: UB
Soni Meduna USA: VT, FX
Shannon Miller USA: VT, BB
Elena Piskun BLR: VT, UB
Lilia Podkopayeva UKR: BB, FX
Jennie Thompson USA: UB, FX
Marianna Webster USA: UB, BB