1993 World Championships
Birmingham, England

Language: English
Commercials?: yes
Channel: ABC
Time: 1:38
Tape notes: other men's events were shown than what I have listed here. The women's events are complete, though.

Profile- Kerri Strug in the gym
Profile- Are W. gymnasts being pushed too hard, too young?
Highlights of men's PH and women's vault shown

Women's Event Finals

Uneven Bars

Andrea Cocvean ROM
Dominique Dawes USA
Tatiana Lisenko UKR
Shannon Miller USA
He Xuemei CHN

Balance Beam

Dominique Dawes USA
Gina Gogean ROM
Shannon Miller USA
Lavinia Milosivici ROM

Floor Excercise

Natalia Bobcova RUS
Gina Gogean ROM
Shannon Miller USA
Lavinia Milosivici ROM
Kerri Strug USA

Men's Event Finals

Floor Excercise

Igor Korobchinski UKR
Gregori Misutin UKR
Vitaly Scherbo BLR
Neil Thomas USA


Yuri Chechi ITA
Ivan Ivankov BLR
Scott Keswick USA
Andreas Wecker GER