Language: German
Commercials?: no
Channel: Swiss tv
Tape Notes: the men are edited out; the tape is incomplete
(ends abruptly); I'm not positive about the coutries (they only showed the
flags, and I was too lazy to look everything up-- if you can tell me, I'll
fill it in)
Time: 0:41
Ana Maria Bican ROM: FX
Michelle Campi USA: BB, UB
Minako Etoh JPN: FX
Oksana Fabrichnova RUS: BB
Vanda Hadarean ROM: FX
Kinga Harvath: UB
Tatiana Lisenko UKR: UB
Zita Lusack GBR: FX
Tanja Pechstein SUI: FX, UB, VT
Mirela Peneva: VT, FX
Yelena Piskun BLR: FX, UB
Natascha Schnell SUI: BB, FX
Kerri Strug USA: VT, UB, BB, FX