Language: English
Commercials?: No
Channel: NBC
Time: 0:29
Shows highlights of compulsaries and earlier rotations
Trent Dimas: HB, FX, PH
Lance Ringnald: HB
John Roethlisburger: HB, FX, PH
Chris Waller: R, VT, PB
Chainey Umphrey: PB
Time: 0:54
Highlights of compulsary round
profile on Brandy Johnson/ Bela's gymnasts
interview with Bela Karolyi
Brandy Johnson: VT, UB, BB, FX
Shannon Miller: BB, VT
Betty Okino: FX, VT, UB
Erica Stokes: BB, FX, UB
Sandy Woolsey: BB
Kim Zmeskal: BB, FX, VT, UB
Time: 1:18
profile on Brandy Johnson and her recent
Floor Exercise
Patrick Kirksey
Lance Ringnald
John Roethlisberger
Bob Stelter
Pommel Horse
Patrick Kirksey
John Roethlisberger
Chris Waller
Scott Keswick
Chainey Umphrey
Mark Warburton
Kerry Houston
Lance Ringnald
Bill Roth
Parallel Bars
Trent Dimas
Scott Keswick
Lance Ringnald
High Bar
Trent Dimas
Lance Ringnald
John Roethlisberger
Chris Waller
Brandy Johnson
Amy Scherr
Sandy Woolsey
Kim Zmeskal
Uneven Bars
Christy Heinrich
Erica Stokes
Sandy Woolsey
Kim Zmeskal
Balance Beam
Shannon Miller
Betty Okino
Erica Stokes
Kim Zmeskal
Floor Excercise
Brandy Johnson
Kim Kelly
Kim Zmeskal