1989 US Olympic Festival
Oklahoma City, OK

Language: English
Commercials?: no
Channel: ESPN
Tape notes: the team and AA competition is VG quality; the rest is F/G.

Women's Compulsaries

Time: 0:21

Hilary Grivich: UB
Shannon Miller: BB
Amanda Uherek: UB, FX
Kim Zmeskal: BB, FX

Women's Team and All-Around

Time: 0:46
Interviews with Bela Karolyi and Kelly Garrison

Shannon Miller: VT, BB, FX
Kelly Pitzen: FX
Amy Scherr: FX, UB
Erica Stokes: BB
Amanda Uherek: FX, VT
Kim Zmeskal: FX, BB

Women's Event Finals

Time: 0:53
Profile/interview with Bela Karolyi
Tape notes: The picture in this section begins to get a little "wobbly"

Jana Reardon
Amy Scherr

Uneven Bars
Shannon Miller
Kelly Pitzen
Amanda Uherek
Kim Zmeskal

Balance Beam
Amy Scherr
Erica Stokes
Amanda Uherek
Kim Zmeskal

Floor Excercise
Shannon Miller
Erica Stokes
Amanda Uherek
Kim Zmeskal