Bob's back in the game — Bob Gill has a site about his foundation, and plans for his fire wall world record attempt and details on the medical procedures he will undergo to repair the damage to his spinal cord. Check out his official site at The Bob Gill Foundation. Message Board

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The official CycleJumpers site that has all your favorite "thrill show" jumpers of today and yesterday! This site was officially launched July 9, 1999. Make sure to check out the "what's new" section for the most current updates! This is a fan site, an online scrapbook of motorcycle daredevil photos from my collection and countless of other fans and jumpers from around the world. This is a non-bias forum where people can learn about the history of traditional motorcycle jumping. Keep checking back and let me know what you think of your e-jumping destination. John
Cycle Jumpers of the World/ does not claim to represent, nor does this website claim to represent any persons shown. All trademarks remain the property of their rightful owners. This site is a fan site and has been created SOLELY for entertainment and educational purposes only. This site is not responsible for any content, on it or content that links off this site or for any information posted on its message board or links from it's message board or guest book. All information and accuracy is subject to change without notice. Please do not try any stunts that appear on this site.

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