Abington High School (Saturday Games) and The Frolio Junior High School (Sunday Games)
are located just off of Route 18 in Abington.

East Bridgewater, Raynham, Hanson, Carver and Halifax should all follow Route 18 North through
Bridgewater (Route28/Route104/Rout106) and/or Whitman (Route 44/Route 58).

The driveway for High School is on left at second set of lights after Route 123.
Seones Landscape is landmark at this set of lights. Follow Road up to rotary at end
of driveway and park in lot on right.

To get to the Frolio Junior High School you go right at those same set of lights. Follow
that road to the end and go left. The Frolio is about 300 yards on your right. Parking is
along the street or there is a small lot right after the VFW post.

Norwell and Hanover should follow Route 18 South through Weymouth off
of Route 3 (Exit 16). Follow Route 18 South past the former Weymouth Naval Air Station, go
through the set of lights at Route 58 and again at Route 139 and follow to lights at Seones and the
access road to Abington High School.

Off Route 18 South go right to Abington High School and left to the Frolio Junior High School.