Shore League Cancellation Process
It's the responsibility of the town contacts to decide whether to play when
snow is an issue. When games are cancelled all games must be cancelled. Individual
coaches cannot cancel a game. If games are cancelled, the Vice President of
the league, Ron Whitham (781-335-5062, cell
should be notified. As a league we would like all towns to make their best
effort to play. However, that may not be possible in all cases.
If you do decide to cancel, the home team must call Bob Carney
(781-447-4987), our referee coordinator at least two hours prior to the start
of the first game. The sooner you contact Bob the easier it is for him to
locate and inform the referees.
you are a home make sure that the school is plowed out and accessible before
the other town is on the road.
Scorers if your games are canceled, please inform Rick O’Malley
( so the web site can reflect it. When the games
are rescheduled also inform him.