Directions to Gyms




















Abington High School (Saturday Games) and The Frolio Junior High School (Sunday Games)
are located just off of Route 18 in Abington.

East Bridgewater, Raynham, Hanson, Carver and Halifax should all follow Route 18 North through
Bridgewater (Route28/Route104/Rout106) and/or Whitman (Route 44/Route 58).

The driveway for High School is on left at second set of lights after Route 123.
Seones Landscape is landmark at this set of lights. Follow Road up to rotary at end
of driveway and park in lot on right.

To get to the Frolio Junior High School you go right at those same set of lights. Follow
that road to the end and go left. The Frolio is about 300 yards on your right. Parking is
along the street or there is a small lot right after the VFW post.

Norwell and Hanover should follow Route 18 South through Weymouth off
of Route 3 (Exit 16). Follow Route 18 South past the former Weymouth Naval Air Station, go
through the set of lights at Route 58 and again at Route 139 and follow to lights at Seones and the
access road to Abington High School.

Off Route 18 South go right to Abington High School and left to the Frolio Junior High School.

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East Middle School
Address: 305 River Street, Braintree

Coming from the south!
From Route 3: Take the Union Street Exit #17. Take 1st exit off rotary Union Street. Take 1st left onto Cleveland Ave. Cleveland Ave becomes Middle Street. Turn right onto River Street

Coming from the north!
From Route 3: Take the Union Street Exit #17. Take 3rd exit off rotary Union Street. Take 1st left onto Cleveland Ave. Cleveland Ave becomes Middle Street. Turn right onto River Street

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Cohasset High School

From North
Take Route 3 South to exit 14. At bottom of ramp go left on Rt 228. Follow Rt 228 for approximately 5 miles all the way to Rt 3A.
Take Right on Rt 3A and follow into Cohasset. After Super Stop & Shop the next light will be Pond St. Take left on
Pond and High School is up the hill on the left.

From South
Take Rt 3 north to exit 13. Right off ramp onto Rt 53. Follow up to lights and go right on Rt 123. Follow Rt 123 all the way to
Scituate and intersection of Rt 123 and Rt 3A. Left on 3A and follow to Cohasset. At second set of lights, go right on
Pond St and Cohasset High will be up hill on left.

Please park in front parking lot and walk around right of school to gym

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Duxbury Middle School
130 St Georges Street
Duxbury, MA 02332

From Route 3 North and South: Take MA-3 S. Take the RT-14 exit, exit number 11, towards DUXBURY/PEMBROKE. Which will be a right turn at end of ramp. Merge onto CONGRESS ST. CONGRESS ST becomes WEST ST and you will bear to the right on West Street remaining on Route 14 WEST ST becomes ST GEORGES ST at the Route 3a intersection proceed straight through intersection the Middle School will be on your right and the parking lot for the gym is the first left before the school.

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Halifax Elementary School
The school is located on Rt. 106

From the North: Take Rte. 18 South. Shortly after crossing over Rte. 123 intersection, take a left on to Washington St.(This is across from the Strawberry Valley Golf Course). Follow Washington St. to the end ( You will go through Whitman and into East Bridgewater at this point). Take a left, you are now on Rte. 106 east, follow into Halifax. The school is approximately 2 miles on the right side. It is after the Police Station and before the Fire Station.

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Hanover High School

From Southeast: Rte 3 to Exit 12. Take Rte 139 West to Rte 139 W/53North. From Route 53, take left onto Rte 139 West. Right on to Main Street(across from Library). Do not take sharp right on to Silver. Go about 1.2 miles and turn left on Cedar Street. HS is on right approximately .6 miles.

From North: Rte 3 to Exit 13. Left off exit onto Rte 53 N. Cross highway and go to next intersection, Rte 123 (Webster) and take left heading west about 1.1 miles to Main Street. Make a left turn onto Main Street and travel about 1.3 miles to Cedar Street. Make right turn onto Cedar Street. HS is on right approximately .6 miles.

Hanover Middle School

From Points North and West:Take Route 3 South to Exit 14. Turn left at end of ramp onto Hingham St.
Take 1st right onto Pond St. Pond St. becomes Whiting St. At lights, Whiting St. crosses Route 123.
The Middle School is on the left.

From Points South of Hanover:Take Route 3 North to Exit 12. Bear right at the end of the ramp onto Route 139 West.
Continue on Route 139 until it intersects with Route 53. Turn right onto Route 53 N / Route 139 W.
At 2nd set of lights, turn left onto Route 139 / Rockland St. Go past Sylvester School and the Town Hall towards West Hanover. At the lights, turn right onto Pleasant St. Bear left at the fork. Pleasant St. becomes Whiting St.
The Middle School is on the right.

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Hanson Middle School is located off of Route 58.

From the south, Take route 58 north past the Hanson Town Hall and Shaw's supermarket.
At the first set of lights after Shaw's, (Look for Middle School sign) take a right onto access road, park in legal spaces only. Entrance to school is door on right side of building.

From the North, Take Route 58 south . Take left at first traffic light after entering Hanson. (Look for Middle School sign) take a right onto access road, park in legal spaces only. Entrance to school is door on right side of building.

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Address: Union Street, Hingham, MA (but entrance is in back of school)

From Route 3: Take exit 14, proceed towards Hingham on Route 228 south; proceed through intersection of Routes 53 and 228 (Route 228 is also Main St.). Go about 3 miles; you will see a large white church on the right, turn right there onto Free Street. Free Street turns into Union Street and you will see the School on left about 1/2 mile further. You must, however, continue to the next intersection and take a left onto Pleasant Street. You will then take a left after about 100 yards and follow access road to the rear of the School. The back door is the entrance to the gym on Saturdays.

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Address: 180 Main Street, Hull, MA 02045

Follow Route 3 South towards Cape Cod. Get off Route 3 at Exit 14 (Rockland / Nantasket / Route 228). At bottom of ramp / set of lights, take a left (from the North) or a right (from the South) onto Route 228 North. Follow Route 228 towards Hull/Nantasket Beach. As you enter the town of Hull, you will be on Nantasket Avenue. You will follow Nantasket Ave through town until Nantasket Ave intersects with Main Street at the Sewer Treatment Plant. The treatment plant will be after the yacht club. Bear left onto Main Street at the Treatment Plant and follow until you reach the High School. The gym is located at the end of the building.

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The directions to Furnace Brook Middle School in Marshfield are as followed.
Take Rt. 3 to Exit 12(Marshfield/Pembroke), continue right off of exit onto Rt. 139. Continue for about a 1.5 miles and at the set of lights, take a left and go up about a .1 mile. Take another left into parking lot and go into the side doors of the gym.

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Norwell Middle School

Starting from Plymouth area - drive North
Take Route 3 North to exit 13 (Hanover)
Top of the ramp - turn right on to Route 53 (north)
At intersection (light) of Route 53 and Route 123 - turn right on to Route 123 (east)
Drive 2 miles (plus)
The Middle School is on the right hand side of Route 123
(A new, multi-level, brick building) behind the Sparrell School. Gym is located on the right side of the School, entrance is the first driveway on right.

Starting from north of Boston - drive South
Take Route 3 South (toward Cape Cod) to exit 13 (Hanover)
Top of the ramp - turn left on to Route 53 (north)
At intersection (light) of Route 53 and Route 123 - turn right on to Route 123 (east)
Drive 2 miles (plus)
The Middle School is on the right hand side of Route 123
(A new, multi-level, brick building) behind the Sparrell School. Gym is located on the right side of the School, entrance is the first driveway on right.

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Pembroke Community Middle School

Route 27 Pembroke

From Route 53 take Route 14 to the center of town. When Route 14 goes right in front of the

CVS plaza continue straight on Center Street. At Olivera's Restaurant bear left Lake Street.

Follow this street straight past the Country Store. When you can go no further and have to take a right or left. This will be Route 27. Take left and the Middle School is on the Right. Teams can be in the school 1/2 hour before the games start.

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Plymouth South Middle School (PSMS)
488 Long Pond Road
Plymouth, Massachusetts

From the South

Take Route 3 North to Exit 3.
Take a left off exit ramp and go to end of road approximately 400 yds.
Take a right onto Long Pond Road.
Follow Long Pond Road for approximately 1/2 mile to Plymouth South High School on right.
Enter Plymouth South H.S. entrance and take left at first stop sign then proceed straight through second stop sign.
Following road along golf course to Plymouth South Middle School.

From the North

Take Route 3 South to Exit 3.
Take a right off exit ramp and go to end of road approximately 200 yds.
Take a right onto Long Pond Road.
Follow Long Pond Road for approximately 1/2 mile to Plymouth South High School on right.
Enter Plymouth South H.S. entrance and take left at first stop sign then proceed straight through second stop sign.
Following road along golf course to Plymouth South Middle School.
Note: PSMS School is located behind the High School Athletic Fields.

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Take Route 3 North

Get off at Exit 19(Quincy Center)

Continue Straight on Burgin Parkway Approx. 1.5 Miles

(You will go through 6-sets of lights)

(You will pass the Quincy Center T Station on your Right)

Take Right on to Dimmock Street(This will be your 7th set of lights)

Continue Straight through Intersection(Across Hancock Street)on to

Whitney Road

Take Right at end of Whitney Road on to Woodward ave.

Travel approx 500 yards on Woodward ave.

Gym and parking area are off to the left.

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Raynham Middle School

From Rt. 18 South;
Take Rt. 104 west into Raynham. Follow 104 until you reach Coletti's Market (on your right), where you will take a left onto White St. Follow it until you reach Titicut Rd. on your left. Turn left onto Titicut Rd. The School will be at the end of the road. Entrance is at the far left.

From Rt. 24:
Take exit 15 to Rt. 104, take a right and follow into Raynham. Follow 104 until you reach Coletti's Market (on your right), where you will take a left onto White St. Follow it until you reach Titicut Rd. on your left. Turn left onto Titicut Rd. The School will be at the end of the road. Entrance is at the far left.

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Rockland High School

For teams using Rt 3, take exit 14 rt 228 to Rockland (this is Hingham St), Follow Hingham to the fork and bear right onto Webster St. Follow Webster to the end and take a left onto Union St. Take your 3rd right onto MacKinlay and Rockland Highschool is on your left.

For teams using Rt 18, take 123 East towards Rockland, at Rockland Plaza (Burger King/Mobile) take a left on to Union St. Go through 1 set of lights and take 2nd left onto MacKinlay and Rockland High School is on your left.
South Shore Vo-Tech: Located on Rte. 123 in Hanover.

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Directions to Scituate's Gates Middle School

Take 3A to police station/town hall. Also a set of lights at the intersection. Take First Parish Rd. which is a right coming from the south and left coming from the north. Go straight through the next set of lights about 1/4 mile on the right is Gates Middle School. Any questions call 781-544-3719.

Directions to Scituate's High School

Take 3A to police station/ town hall offices. The High School is located directly behind town hall.

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From Route 3: Take Rte. 128 South to Rte. 3 South. Take Exit 16B. At top of
hill is a set of traffic lights. Take a left onto Middle Street. Follow
Middle Street for about 2.6 miles through 3 sets of traffic lights. Shortly
after 3rd light, on left, is Abigail Adams Intermediate School, followed by
Weymouth Town Hall.

From Route 18: (From South) Take Rte. 18 North through Abington into
Weymouth. Follow Rte 18 past Pleasant Mall (on right) and past the South
Shore Hospital (on right). Go straight through the next traffic light
(Dunkin Donuts on left, Blockbuster on right). Take a right at the next
light onto Middle Street (Getty station on right). Follow Middle Street for
about 2.6 miles through 3 sets of traffic lights. Shortly after 3rd light,
on left, is Abigail Adams Intermediate School, followed by Weymouth Town

For customized directions from your address:
Go to and click on MAPS, then driving directions. Enter your
address in the starting address and in the destination address enter the
address of Abigail Adams Intermediate School which is the following:
89 Middle Street, Weymouth MA

Directions to Weymouth High School

From Rt. 3 - exit 15 (Hingham, South Weymouth) come off ramp going toward South Weymouth.
At the second light take a right onto Pleasant St. School entrance will be a few hundred yards on your left.
Park in first lot on your right, enter building at front door.

From Rt. 18 - in South Weymouth, at the Dunkin Donuts/Blockbuster intersection, if traveling north-take
a right, if traveling south-take a left. At the first light, take a left onto Pleasant St. School entrance will be a
few hundred yards on your left. Park in first lot on your right, enter building at front door.

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