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Shooting Sports Web Page
We are proudly affiliated with the Arlington Optimists, the NRA, USA Shooting, the CMP, VSSA and VJSS.

Former Acorns shooters at JORC
Updated March, 2009

Congratulations to our ten shooters who were invited to the USAS Jr. Olympic Rifle Championships in April.  They have worked very hard for this opportunity, so please wish them well.  With 15 kids in the club, and 10 invitees, you do the math.  :)

JR Sectionals-  NRA Jr. Sectionals in smallbore and International Air are now complete.  Acorns team members won a slew of individual and team awards, and there is a possibility our J2 air team could place very high nationally.


More news as it becomes available.....

Coach Bill Terry

E-mail Floyd Houston at f.houston@erols.com
E-mail Bill Terry at BillTerryUSA@Hotmail.com
Tell me more about the Acorns!