Fall 2004 Pack MeetingsSep 7 RecruitmentSep 11 Show and Sell PopcornOct Popcorn Fund RaiserOct 16 - 17 Fall Camp OutNov 6 Cub Scout Fun DayNov 20 Turkey ShootJan 8 Cub-O OrienteeringJan 25 Pinewood DerbyFeb 22 Blue Gold BanquetApr 2 - 3 Spring Camp Out
Pack Meetings7:00 pm Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2004 7:00 pm Tuesday, Sep 28, 2004 7:00 pm Tuesday, Oct 26, 2004 7:00 pm Tuesday, Nov 23, 2004 7:00 pm Tuesday, Dec 14, 2004 Note: the November meeting is during Thanksgiving week. Note: the December meeting is 2 weeks early.
RecruitmentTuesday, Sep. 7, 2004 The PTA has allowed the Cub Scouts to set up a recruitment table at their meeting on Tuesday Sep. 7, 2004. Any Cub Scout, who gets a boy to come to the recruitment meeting and joins the Cub Scouts, will receive the Recruitment Parch.
Show and Sell Popcorn Fund RaiserSaturday, Sep. 11, 2004 8:00am - 12:00 noon Saturday Sep. 11, there will be Pack 1175 will perform a Show and Sell, where the Cub Scouts in groups of 3 or 4 will canvas neighborhoods selling popcorn that we have in hand. This has a greater commission for the Pack than the Popcorn sign up sheet.
October 2004 During October, the Cub Scouts will have a sign up sheet to sell popcorn that will be delivered at a future date. All the popcorn sold during the second phase (with the sign up sheet) will count toward prizes the boys earn.
Fall Camp OutSaturday thru Sunday October 16 & 17, 2004 Fall Festival & Haunted Hayride At Sid Richardson Scout Ranch! Family Fun for your entire Pack. Hot Dog supper, Festival Games, and cool Haunted Hayrides, PLUS BB Guns, Archery, Pumpkin carving, and Campfire. The whole family can join the fun!
Cub Scout Fun Day at Texas Motor
Saturday Nov 6, 2004 An
action-filled day of over 30 activities at Texas Motor Speedway. Cub Scouts and
their family members are invited to join us for outdoor fun and games including
BB’s, archery, racing, bowling, chariot races, rain gutter regatta, Haunted
festival, and lots more Cub Scout fun
Turkey ShootSaturday Nov 20, 2004 Tejas District Turkey Shoot (The Tejas District is part of the Longhorn Council) Cub Scouts shoot two sets of 5 rounds with a BB Gun. Any boy scoring over 35 points is given a membership in the national marksmanship organization. The highest score in each age group is awarded a turkey. All participants receive a patch. Cub-O (Cub Scout Orienteering)
Saturday Jan. 8, 2005 What is Cub-O?: Cub-O is a fun Orienteering competition held each year during the holiday break. The Orienteering Committee will conduct map-training sessions for Cub Scouts and parents all morning. Each team of 4-6 Cubs gets a Cub-O map half an hour before the race starts. The map shows the location of 40 or more orange and white orienteering flags out on the camp. You and your boys look over the map and plan a strategy to find the most flags and score the maximum point total possible in 2 hours! Each flag has a pin punch that you punch the scorecard with.
Pinewood Derby
Tuesday January 25, 2005 Before the Texas Motor Speedway and before NASCAR there was the Pinewood Derby. One of the most anticipated events of the year. The Pack supplies a block of wood and all the necessary parts. The Cub Scout, with HELP from their adult partner (don’t build it for them), builds a racing machine. Blue Gold Banquet
Tuesday February 22, 2005 Blue & Gold Banquet celebrates the birthday of Scouting and it's founder, Lord Baden-Powell. Traditionally, it is the time that marks the 'bridging' of Webelos II members to Boy Scouting. We have a big dinner and the presentation of the Arrow of Light.
Spring Camp Out
Saturday & Sunday Apr. 2 & 3, 2005 Cub
Scout Family Camping Adventure at Camp Tahuaya A
weekend of fun for the whole family at Camp
Tahuaya. Archery, BBs, Climbing Wall, Scavenger Hunt, Crafts,
Campfire program, Nature hikes, Outdoor games, Chapel, Special Displays, dining
hall meals, and More!! Siblings welcome. |