Bobs Pics and blurbs
Best Fishing Site on the Web !        GO
This site is mostly a small collection of pictures and thoughts that will be a reminder of beautiful and not so  beautiful days on the water, catching and not catching, enjoying the scenery, local birds, the wildlife and good fishing companions. What you won't see are the lures lost, broken rods, and the big one that got away. 
Looking left is a picture of a twelve lb striper and a 5+ walleye caught about dusk out of Liberty reservoir. Liberty is a freshwater impoundment that is one of three lakes that supply water to Baltimore and surounding areas. Special boating  rules (electric only) apply and an additional boat permit is required. 
The North Branch of the Patapsco was dammed to create Liberty Reservoir. Below Liberty Dam it joins up with the South Branch and finally winds its way into the Baltimore Harbor. The lower end of the river is brackish and both saltwater and freshwater species can be found.To the left is an illustration of some of the variety of fish that can be found in the Patapsco river. On the top is a common carp, next is a "mirrow" carp that weighed 34lb  and the two bottom fish are keeper size stripers.
Crazy about Surf Fishing?               GO
Sorry for the picture quality, most are copies of poloroids or taken with my cheap 1megapixel digital camera. Also my image enhancing software is pretty lousy.  All fish shown here were caught on light tackle that we would normally use for bass fishing.  I love catching big fish on light tackle.. 
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Baltimore City owns three major reservoirs that provide the bulk of drinking water for the city and surrounding counties. Liberty Reservoir is the largest.They take this responsibility very serously so check out their rules and regs. However, they all offer fishing, boating, hiking, picknicking  and some hunting opportunities. Click on the GO below for some serious and not so serious stuff.
Liberty Reservoir                  GO
Maryland DNR                                GO
Most photos here are of myself, friends or folks I have met while fishing. Some are experts and some are amateurs but all are united in their love of the sport.
Fishing the Baltimore Harbor
The Baltimore Harbor has turned into a pleasant fishing surprise. The Harbor has been cleaned up fairly well especially the inner harbor where the tourist go. Other parts of the harbor..well lets just say there is a lot of work yet to be done.The fish there are not radioactive and there is quite a variety but be aware that fish advisories are in effect. All and all, it is a  beautiful place to fish.                                        Wanna see more? GO
Maryland Bass Federation               GO
Liberty Photo Gallery            GO        
The DNR at Liberty               GO
Building the Reservoir          GO
How big will the stripers get   GO
I really enjoy catching a variety of fish but in the last few years I find myself fishing more for stripers than any other fish. The shear power and size of some of these fish has me under its spell. The striper above was caught in the open Bay and the srriper below was caught in the Patapsco River
Piney Run Reservoir  (under construction)
Piney Run is a 300 acre impoundment located in the southeastern part of Carroll County. Built originally for future water needs it also doubles as a recreation area with boating and fishing. Piney Run Park offers much more.      
To see more click on   GO
Metro Reservoir Anglers                 GO
In May of 2001 Dave Neuwiller broke the Piney Run Reservoir record with this 29 lb 6 oz giant striper.
Your Liberty Rockfish (crappie, walleye, bass, ect.) Headquarters
Check out these great fishing links.
Mark Little, on the right, has been spending a lot of his time seeking Liberty Reservoirs elusive walleye and doesn't mind showing off this 5 lb specimen. Mark likes to mix it up with Liberty's stripers also.
New Striped Bass creel limit for Liberty Reservoir as of 2003. Two stripers a day, 18 inch minimum with only one over 30 inches.
Harbor Photo Gallery   GO
Have you caught Musky Fever        GO
Photos of the 2002 Drought    GO
Liberty Reservoir
Piney Run
Want to know more about stripers  GO