Corpus Christi 2000 Swim Meet
Who ever knew you could have so much fun in good ol' Wal-Mart? Here's me, Natalie, and Kelly proving it!
Natalie, Ashley, Me, Josh, and Kelly driving our hot rod! We're all beach bums!
Ashley and Natalie carrying me when I was a mermaid!
Angela, Me, Ashley, Natalie, and Kelly on the ferry. We saw dolphins and seagulls!
Natalie, Ally, Ashley, Kelly, and Megan on the bus.
Me, Kim, Natalie, Kristen, Angela, Kelly, and Ashley on the bus.
Me, Jessica, and Geoffrey relaxing before our events.
Yes these are our butts...I won't put any names. hehe!
Above: Ashley, Me, Ally, and Jessica. The 200 Medley Relay.
Me and my Round Rock swimmer friend Justin.
Me and the Round Rock swimmers. Colby, me, Jeremy, and Crystal.
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