Vian's Photo Album continued... |
Some more swimming pictures... |
Here's a picture of my relay at the Burnet Invitationals. We got first in the 400 Free Relay! From left to right Kim, Vian (me), Brittany, and Alyssa. |
This is some members of my swim team when we won the Burnet Invitationals. We got a huge trophy! |
After one of the away swim meets we got back to good ole' McNeil and posed for a group picture. Form left to right Kit, Tracy, Me, Brittany, and Briana. |
Kim and I relaxing at a swim meet. Hey Kim, what are you looking at? |
Me, Erica, and Kim are just hanging out in our swimming studyhall. |
Here's the number one coach in the world at a swimming party. (pictured here with her squirt gun!) Guess who started the water gun fight? Yep, it was Coach Patterson alright! |
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