
Hungarian marathon carriages, coaches, carriage lights, bridles, harnesses, equestrian products

Rétköz utca 18, Budapest, 1118-Hungary. Tel/Fax: 361-247-103,

Mobile: 36-203-215-773, E-mail:

“ According to the popular belief, coaches were first produced in the town of Kocs in Hungary in the 15th century.” (Grolier Encyclopedia, 1995.)

 Marathon carriages for all competition

 Training, Wedding, Esterhazy, Landauer coaches.

Vilmos Lazar World Pair Driving Champion 1999

                                                                              (photo by: Baranyai jr.)

Hungarian World Champion carriage drivers would not be on the top for many years if they have no access to the greatest carriages, made in Hungary. Marathon carriages representing the traditional skills, the highest quality craftsmanship, and several hundred years of experience in carriage making. Marathon driving is hard work for the horses and the drivers. The carriages has to take all of the difficult turns, hills, valleys, dips, bumps, dry, wet, dusty and muddy conditions. Made of high quality steel, genuine leather hard rubber wheels, padded rod, four wheel hydraulic disc brakes. Adjustable rear wheel alignment, delay device built to the turntable to ensure safety and driving capability. All sizes, and  weights are, according to the rules and regulations of the Federation Equestre Internationale

Please call us, write us an E-mail, or fax us your request.