Phonecards for exchange

by Brian Barker

Please note that these web pages are in preparation; you have probably got here by accident!

These pages list the phonecards I have available for exchange.

Unless otherwise stated, all cards are used but in good condition.

I am not particularly interested in selling cards, but rather in exchanging them for cards I do not already have in my collection, especially those from countries other than the United Kingdom. I have a short wants list of cards I should be particularly keen to receive, but I am open to all offers. If you would like to propose an exchange, please e-mail me on, telling me what you have to offer in return. (Please note that - even though I try to keep these lists up to date - I cannot promise that all the listed cards are still available for exchange.)

I am more interested in exchanging twenty to thirty cards at a time, but you may be able to persuade me to exchange as few as one.

Unfortunately, I have at present no means of sending images of cards. If you need to see a particular card, please let me know and I will try to find an existing image of the card somewhere on the web for you.

The catalogue numbers quoted are given in good faith but not guaranteed. If you have any doubts about the precise identity of any card, please ask for details.

Sterling (GBP) denominations are given in pounds ("£") and pence ("p"), where £1 = 100p.

British Telecom / BT

British Telecommunications is the U.K.'s original and largest telecomms provider, at first known as "British Telecom" but lately just as "BT". Its cards come in three varieties:

Other U.K. operators' remote cards

Here is some twaddle ...

Other telephone-related cards

Twaddle ...

Miscellaneous cards

These are not telephone cards ...

Version 21: Revised 11 October 2000
Brian Barker