7/1/04 Holy Crap!
Wow been forever since I have been here and updated. Let's see, a bunch of stuff has happened. Opened more companies, but do WAY less work now. I finally gave in and decided that I should use my brain power. So now I pretty much have other people do as much work for me as possible and pay them accordingly. I have been doing some hanging out as of lately trying to get back into being social and have met some new people. Last week I actually partied (well my version of it) from Thursday till Monday. I got an inner ear infection along the way so now I am paying for it a bit but that is ok it was worth it.
I have not talked to unstepped in a while, HEY GIRL IF YOU ARE READING THIS MY NEW SN IS CONGLOMORATEMAN so go ahead and hit me up on that, any of the rest of you reading this are welcome to bug me also ;) I have kept to my word and not bought any more cars, as a matter of fact I think I am going to fix some of them up that I have been neglecting and then get rid of some of my lesser cars such as my Hondas. This month we are supposed to be taping a TV show for MTV or Discover, it is kinda fuzzy and we have not signed contracts yet so I am not counting on it happening but none the less it shows the progress and the crazy schedule I have been on laterly.
Ok so everything is kinda hectic yet kinda chill all at the same time. I have been traveling alot and playing lots of game cube to pass time while I can not sleep. Anyway miss some of you, glad some of you are not in my life anymore and so life is on one of those upswings that I love so much. I am going to redo this site soon and then promote it to get more fans, HAHA LOVE the fans.