Welcome to The Lads website. Feel free to browse around. Hopefully you will enjoy what
you see and maybe even have a smile on your face when you leave (brians page:-) ).
We're still updating and more pictures are due to be put up soon
and I might decide to complete Gordons page. The site is pretty much the same as before
but with a few added sections. Remember the more pictures we receive the better. Email them
to us at ladswell@yahoo.co.uk
Deeks Page
In Deeks page, the wee man will try to confuse you by reading your mind!
Drews Page
Drew will try to beat you at Blackjack.
Gordons Page
Brians Page
The star attraction here is Brian TV. Also the pictures of our goalie are not to be laughed at
in 'Good Goalie Bad Goalie'.
Mein Fuhrer
During a clearout in the loft we come across some pictures from 1943.
Amazingly they were pictures from Germany. There is a dodgy moustached person along with a couple of his henchmen.
(Coming Soon)Before & After
Heres some pictures of the lads and friends when they were a bit younger and as they are now.
Daft Lads
Here are some pictures of the lads in some strange poses. Our cameraman has snapped them when they least expect it*
Ladswell Pranks
Here are all the paranks the lads have played on each other to date. If you have any suggestions for more
please email them to us at The lads
To be a Lad you have to be cool. If you can pass the test then we will allow you to become a lad and we will add your name to the website.
Give it a go here.....
Copyright ©2004 Ladswell If you have questions or comments about this Web site, please e-mail The lads.
*=possible paintshop pro action
Crap at Maths? Try this...