To obtain a position in the Information Technology field, preferably in a web design/programming or system analysis environment. I want to be challenged with new ideas and new technologies.

::Summary of skills::
Primary skills: Design and development of web sites, IA(information architecture), Interface usability, Internet concept and solutions, database design, analysis and manipulation, search engine optimization

Over 3+ years of experience in internet application development, during this period I have been involved in design, development and implementation of various web applications using HTML, XHTML, dHTML, Javascript, CSS and Coldfusion as internet programming languages.I also have extensive knowledge of relational database design and programming.

Baruch College, Zicklin School of Business, CUNY
BBA in Computer Information System
Overall CGPA: 3.41, Major GPA: 3.486
Dean's List: 3/8 Semesters
Graduation : Fall 2003


Business courses: Principles of Accounting I & II, Intermediate Accounting I&II, Principles of Finance, Management, Marketing, Business Law, Operation Reasearch, Business policy for managers,History of American Business Enterprise & Management Information System.

Technology courses: Object Oriented programming I&II(C++), Networking I&II, System design and Analysis, Information System development project, Database Management System I, Database Management System II, E-Commerce, Web Programming(html,javascript,java) & Operating System.


Instinet(A REUTERS Company), 3 Times Square, NY 10036
Junior Web Developer Internship.(05/25/2001-09/10/2001)
URL: http://www.instinet.com
Job description:
-Developed and maintained web pages using HTML & XHTML
-Implemented Javascript for dynamic page creation
-Rigorously maintained html complaint and css validation
-Used Coldfusion Application on a small scale basis for dynamic form creations
-Attended Adobe conference on building rich media on web sites.
Tools/Software/Method used: HTML, XHTML, Javascript, CSS, Homesite 4.5, Dreamweaver 4.0, Coldfusion Studio 4.0, Photoshop, Internet Information Server 5.0 ,Flash & SQL server for backend.

CIS Club web site, Baruch College, 23rd Lexington Ave, NY
URL: http://cisnet.baruch.cuny.edu/ciss
Job Description:
-Redesigned the whole site with macromedia dreamweaver
-Implemented dHTML scripting for dynamic page creation
-Contributed on the IA(information architecture) of the site which is aimed at CIS students for tutorials on database, networking and web development
-Implemented macromedia fireworks for dHTML drop down menu
Tools/Software/Method used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Image Ready, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Adobe Golive, Internet Information Server & CuteFTP.

Marketing Society Site, Baruch College, 23rd Lexington Ave, NY
Webmaster(Spring semester, 2001)
Job Description:
-Developed and maintained the site using XHTML & Javascript
-Implemented an external cascading style sheet throughout the site
-Wrote javascript for plugin detection(flash5)
Tools/Software/Method used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Homesite, Dreamwever, Flash & Photoshop with Image Ready.

Never Enough Web creations inc.NY
URL: http://www.neverenoughweb.com
-Founded the site aimed at helping web community through it's advanced tutorials on HTML, XHTML, CSS, Javascript & ASP
-Site also offers tutorials on Dreamweaver, Golive, Image ready & Fireworks
-Wrote tutorials on these above technologies and demonstrated them on the site
-Future plan is to include tutorials on Coldfusion
Tool/Software/Method used: HTML, XHTML, Javascript, CSS, ASP, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Adove Golive, Photoshop with Image Ready, GIF builder, Internet Information Server and SQL server on Windows 2000 for backends.

::Computer Skills::
Programming/Markups: C++, Visual Basic, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 & CSS
Client/Server Scripting: Javascript, PHP 5.0 & Coldfusion 5.0
Database: MS Access 2000, SQL programming & MySQL
Networking: Knowledge of TCP/IP, Internet protocol, Intranet, Internet & Extranet
Browser: Extensive knowledge of coding in HTML,XHTML & CSS in cross browser platforms issues
Information Architecture: Over all web site & inteface usability concept & user centric design concept
Operating system: Windows 98, Windows 2000 professional, Windows NT, MS DOS & Windows xp
Internet Tools/Softwares:
Web Editor: Dreamweaver 4.0, Homesite 4.5, Coldfusion Studio 5.0 & Golive 5.0
Image Editing: Photoshop 6.0 with Image Ready & Fireworks
CSS Editor: Top style 1.0, CSS validator pro
Animation: Flash 5.0, Unlead GIF builder & Image Ready
Video Editing: After Effects & Quicktime Pro
Member Computer Information System Society of Baruch College(web developing team)
Attended Adobe web conference on implementing rich media in web sites
Student member of American Association of Information science
Special Interest:
Monetary economy, Graphic design & Computer Books
Languages: Fluent in Bengali, Hindi & Urdu
References: Available upon request