Marc 'The Rogue' Rhodes Bio
Name : Marc Rhodes

Finisher (s)
: The Rogue To Nowhere, Acid Drop

Entrance Music : Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist

Titles Held : HWA World Champion (1), Hardcore Champion (2).

Other Important Notes : Was the owner of one of the biggest Stables 'rWo', likes to talk to his belt and calls it "Beltus"

Marc 'The Rogue' Rhodes had been with the HWA for about 7 months before leaving them for the NRW, now the NRW has folded he has been 'forced' to join The HWA. He owned the HWA Title whilst being with NRW and he called it Beltus!! He owned it very well and kept it for about 6 shows and a ppv! He isn't all there in the head but he is a very good wrestler. He owned the longest running stable called the Rogue World Order (rWo).

PPV Win/Loss Record -
Won - 5 / Lost - 6