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Charleston Weightlifting Club | ![]() |
Registration: All lifters must be registered with U.S.A. Weightlifting. Applications available at the meet. NOTE: Athletes under age 12 must have signature of a certified coach. Lifters under age 18 must have parents signature.
Entry Fees: Juniors $20 (born 1983 or later) Seniors $25 Team $10 per division
Entry Deadline: No deadline, $10 late fee for entries received after January 12, 2003 (No exceptions)
Awards: Trophies awarded to all lifters. Best lifter awards in all divisions, including masters. Awards to 1st place teams in all divisions. (May give additional teams awards based on entries.)
Classes: 11 & Under female 31, 35, 39, 43, 48, 53, 53+
11 & Under male - 31, 35, 39, 43,
47, 51, 56, 56+
12 13 female - 35,
39, ,43, 48, 53, 58, 63, 63+
12 13 male
- 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51, 56, 62,, 62+
14 16 female - 43,
48, 53, 58, 63, 69, 75, 75+
14 16 male
- 47, 51, 56, 62, 69, 77, 85, 94,, 105, 105+
17 - 20 Sr. & Master female 48, 53, 58, 63, 69, 75, 75+
17 20 Sr. & Master male - 56, 62,
69, 77, 85, 94, 105, 105+
Session I Novice
(Any age/weight M/F
Session 2
(See above)
eligible - Judging
All females (except for novice)
(NOTE: Later
No weigh in
will be less strict -
All 11 & under males (except for novice)
sessions may
Lifting Starts 10:00 a.m. Good
for beginners)
12 13 males 31, 35, 39, 43 kg
start late if there
Weigh In 9:00 a.m. 11:00
are more than
Lifting 11:00 a.m.
100 lifters.)
Session 3
Session 4
12 13 males 47kg & over (except novice)
All Males 17 20, Open and Masters
14 16 males All Classes (except for novice)
Weigh In 1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m.
Weigh In 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m.
Lifting 3:30 p.m.
Lift ing1:30 p.m.
Mail Entry to: Charleston Weightlifting Club, P.O. Box 183, Charleston,
IL 61920
Phone - (217) 258-6588 or (217) 348-0819.
NOTE: We expect to bring in one or more lifters/coaches for this meet. Watch our website for details and updates. We also may put on a CLUB COACH COURSE. Check our website or e-mail for details.
Sponsored by: , Charleston Weightlifting Club
Location: Charleston High School Route 16 and Route
130 Date: Saturday January 18, 2003
Rules, Attire: Competition will be in the bench press, two hands
clean, and deadlift. Pause at chest in bench. Bar must not stop in clean.
No cleaning from hang. Lifter can split, squat, or power clean. We will
cover rules before the contest, and help anyone with technique all morning.
Separate competition on each lift. Lifters can enter 1, 2, or 3 lifts.
Classes: Male - (in lbs.) 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242,
275, 275+
Female - (in lbs.) 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198,
Open, Masters, High School & Under
Entry Fees: High School & Under 1 event $20, 2 events $36, all 3
- $50
Open & Masters 1 event $25, 2 events $45, all 3 - $60
Note: All lifters will receive trophies in all divisions entered.
Entry Deadline: No deadline, but $8 late fee for entries postmarked
after January 12, 2002 (No exceptions)
Awards: Trophies awarded to all lifters in each event (male and
female). Trophies to 1st place teams - male and female. NOTE: Limit
of 10 per team (male) and 8 per team (female) and limit of 2 per class
for scoring purposes only.
Schedule: All classes - male and female: WEIGH-IN
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
LIFTING 11:00 a.m.
Order of Lifts: 1) Clean
2) Bench 3) Deadlift
Mail Entry to: Charleston Weightlifting Club, P.O. Box 183, Charleston,
IL 61920
Phone (217) 258-6588 or (217) 348-0819
Make Checks Payable to: Charleston Weightlifting Club
NOTE: There will be strength and lifting clinics on Saturday and Sunday.
of Birth:_____/_____/_____
Street Address City
State Zip
Phone: Home ( )___________________________ Work ( )____________________________
Sex: M F USAW#_______________________________________(Open Weightlifting Meet Only)
You MUST Sign waiver to enter the meets.
1. Please enter me in the _______lbs. class of the Male Female High School Open Masters Division of the Open High School Lifting Competition (Bench Press, Clean, & Deadlift). Enter 1, 2, or all 3 - separate entry fees.
2. Please enter me in the __________ kg. class of the Male Female 11 & Under, 12-13, 14-16, 17-20, Open, Masters Division of the Open Weightlifting Competition (Snatch & Clean & Jerk).
I have enclosed $____________________ entry fee (Make check payable to Charleston Weightlifting Club).
Note: Lifters can lift in both Saturday and Sundays' meets. Please fill out both lines & blanks above. All participants must sign & return waiver below.
Release From Liability:
In consideration in the acceptance of my entry blank in this weightlifting
competition, I intend to be legally bound, for not only myself but for
all my heirs, my executors, and my administrators, in signing this release
from liability I waive and release everyone connected with this competition,
including, but not limited to Charleston Weightlifting Club, City of Charleston,
Community Unit District #1, Central Local Weightlifting Association, USA
Weightlifting, or any administrators of this competition, from any and
all liability which may arise from this competition. I further state that
to the best of my knowledge I am physically capable of withstanding the
rigorous demands of weightlifting competition, and/or participating in
the track and field or strength clinics, and assume all responsibility
for injuries. In signing this entry, I certify that I am an amateur and
of legal age and eligible under U.S.A.W. rules.
__________________________________Date:__________ _________________________________Date:_________
Signature in full of applicant
Signature in full of parent or guardian (If under 21 yrs. old)
Signature of certified coach (Required if under 12 yrs. of age, for
Open Weightlifting Meet Only)
Funding provided in part by City of Charleston Tourism Fund.
Please contact these hotels and mention this event: Charleston Best Western Worthington Inn (217) 348-8161, Charleston Days Inn (217) 345-7697, or Varsity Inn (217) 348-8882