we have been infiltradet by criminal and mack_46 they ask us if we had a dump, and now things are getting to intens so we decided to close our board down for a few days bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» fbi start on fxp boards now warning (bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» they are passing themselves of as scanners taggers 0-hour fillers and dumpsites it was an 0-hour filler bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» there's about 30 agents on the case (bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» isp/hosts r being notified and boards are being closed down (bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» 2 confirmed nicks are as follows... (bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» L0CKJaW (bi0h4z4rd) [9:39pm]«@ will5404» SiTEoP_KiNG i've talked to Kaasie and this came up : here are all IP addresses from 2 members this is from Criminal (sheffield.plus.net.uk) [find more users for this ip] (1.core.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] (4.core.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] (5.core.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] ( [find more users for this ip] (dyn211-40.sftm-212-159.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] and this is from mack64 (dyn173-41.sftm-212-159.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] (sheffield.plus.net.uk) [find more users for this ip] (1.core.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] (4.core.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] (5.core.plus.net) [find more users for this ip] (leemac.plus.com) [find more users for this ip] as you can see the IP addresses match with the same username o yeah here's another one rutss russ_till@hotmail.com also this came up there are bout 30 FBI people working on this case we want to get rid of then thats why all members have to post this info on every board they know do not pm this info only to an admin just post this on the board let everymember know this let them ban these IP's let them ban those assholes when they think they wanna get us, i hope that we can proof to them they are wrong, WE ARE STRONG AND WE DONT GIVE UP THIS EASLY ( i hope ) dont let you fool people I also got there join dates Criminal me@loaded-net.co.uk Join Date -> 2001-12-23 1829 Last Post -> 2002-01-21 0208 mack64 thE_Mac@voyager.f9.co.uk Join Date -> 2001-09-20 0108 Last Post -> 2002-01-21 07:04:55