Music Playing : "CLOSER WALK" Especially Hand Picked for the above Logo.
During the players' visit to the Shriners Hospital in San Francisco in 1974, Boston College running back Mike Esposito (#26) was photographed with two year old patient Nicole Worley. The photo seemed to capture the spirit and tell the story of this unique game. Since then, the image of the football player holding hands with the little girl has appeared on virtually every piece of material associated with the East West Game sweaters, caps, watches, letterhead, advertisements, billboards... even at mid-field in Stanford Stadium.
Worley and Esposito were reunited at the 63rd Annual East-West Game on January 16, 1988. In an emotional ceremony that few in the crowd will ever forget, they re-enacted the logo scene by walking across the field, hand In hand.
- From "East-West Shrine Game; 1651 l9thAve, San Francisco, CA 94122-
EMail: Lou Gross Director Public Relations
"Message"Managing Director, Don Mitchell
"Child's Story" The Story behind the Logo.
"Press Release" Football Office, Tickets, etc.. .
"Sirena" Our 1999 Poster Child
"All Star Band" We have a Band for the Games
"Roster of Players" California - Texas Players
"Al Malaikahan" Take Me Out To The FootBALL Game! "Game Time Details Included"