ksw_vsw's basketball fan page!! *ksw_vsw's basketball fan page!*

Hi im ksw_vsw and this is my always-underconstruction basketball fan pageee! im still working on the pages but right now heres what ive got done:
*!~My WoNdErFuL WoRlD Of JeNnIfEr AzZi~!*
!UPDATED!***The Val Gals Page***!UPDATED!
***Info Katie Smith***
***Pictures of Katie Smith***

View my Bookie | Sign My Book

**what will be here:**

info on players in the ABL
spiffy pictures of players
important dates and things
and other spiffy keen stuff!

you are visitor number: MY COUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!to lose brain cells from my page
Cool Linkies!!!!!!
Hoop Girls
Columbus Quest98-99

me at Ess2004@aol.com

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