Here are some of my favorite quotes
"You are not bike rider, you are nobody."   Eddie Borysevicz, USCF Cycling Coach, 1984
"Charles Manson never really killed anyone."   John Latham, March 2001
"Women good for two things, bedroom and kitchen, nothig else."  Walter Gobelowski, USCF Cycling Coach, 1986
"So, goin' to the airport... flyin' somewhere?"   Lloyd Chistmas, Dumb & Dumber
"Never make a friend you can't use."   Calvin Jones, USCF Mechanic, October 1996
"AA is for quitters."  Maria Hunter, 1999
"Cats are free."  Rick Tanner, March 1994
"Girls don't eat beef jerky"  Polly Roach, August 1986
"I can't eat from a store... I am a vegetarian."  Julie Hand, Aspen Colorado, June 1994
"Where's home for you?"  Mark Williams, 1990's
"Ice cream will kill you dead"  Darrel McGee, March 1987
"Polly Roach has the biggest damn breasts I have ever seen on a Baptist girl."  Rick Tanner, November 1986
"I don't owe the IRS nothing!"  Rick Tanner, September 1986
"The IRS wants $18,000... I guess I will pay.  Then maybe they will quit harassing me."  Rick Tanner, March 2001
"Urine freezes at a much lower temperature than water does."  Randy Triplett, August 1993