Here are some of my favorite quotes |
"You are not bike rider, you are nobody." Eddie Borysevicz, USCF Cycling Coach, 1984 |
"Charles Manson never really killed anyone." John Latham, March 2001 |
"Women good for two things, bedroom and kitchen, nothig else." Walter Gobelowski, USCF Cycling Coach, 1986 |
"So, goin' to the airport... flyin' somewhere?" Lloyd Chistmas, Dumb & Dumber |
"Never make a friend you can't use." Calvin Jones, USCF Mechanic, October 1996 |
"AA is for quitters." Maria Hunter, 1999 |
"Cats are free." Rick Tanner, March 1994 |
"Girls don't eat beef jerky" Polly Roach, August 1986 |
"I can't eat from a store... I am a vegetarian." Julie Hand, Aspen Colorado, June 1994 |
"Where's home for you?" Mark Williams, 1990's |
"Ice cream will kill you dead" Darrel McGee, March 1987 |
"Polly Roach has the biggest damn breasts I have ever seen on a Baptist girl." Rick Tanner, November 1986 |
"I don't owe the IRS nothing!" Rick Tanner, September 1986 |
"The IRS wants $18,000... I guess I will pay. Then maybe they will quit harassing me." Rick Tanner, March 2001 |
"Urine freezes at a much lower temperature than water does." Randy Triplett, August 1993 |