Gemini Dave's Personal Page

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the Heart!

Make a Difference...

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile, leaving footprints on our Hearts, and we are never quite the same.

Life is too short and precious - make honesty and caring a part of your daily routine and you will make a difference!

(if needed)

(not me. it's a joke)

~My Family~

~Each Picture Description Is Listed Below The Thumbnail Box~

Above Pics Top Row Down Left To Right

  • Tonia, My Daughter-in-law, (David's Wife) My Son, David & his step-son, Chris.

  • Tonia & David In Front Of Their House.

  • Their Backyard Pond David Built Summer Of 2000.

  • Me, At The Pond

  • The KOI From The Inauguration-Summer Of 2000. There Are Nearly 100 Now.

  • 2nd Row

  • They Made It Thru Their First Winter, Okay. It's 5 Feet Deep.

  • The Bridge Was Built May 2001.

  • The Bridge is 24 Feet End To End Across The Pond.

  • The Newest Member Of The Family is "Haley." She is a 3 Year Old Blue and Gold Macaw. Intelligent Is An Understatement For Her.

  • "Haley" On The Completed Wall (July 2001) That Now Extends To The Bridge.

  • 3rd Row

  • There Are Lights Under The Hand Rails And Under The Bridge. Haley Loves It Here.

  • Everything Was Completed By July 4, 2001

  • She Says She Rules This Roost.

  • Davids "Street Bike" With Custom Blue & Yellow Paint Job.

  • His New "Wheels."

  • ~30th Anniversary Edition Trans Am. His Is #1448 Of 1500 Total Built.

    4th Row

  • I'm Checking Her Out!! She's "Bad To The Bone"....

  • David's Giving Her A "Big Gulp." You'll Only See Tail Lights When She's Not Thirsty!!

  • David & me in my front yard.

  • Playing Catch.

  • Working in one of my Flower Beds.

  • 5th Row

  • Just Relaxin' at home.

  • David Checking Out A Bike On His DYNO At SuperBike Finals, Road Atlanta, June 5, 1999.

  • Me, At Road Atlanta.

  • Me, Again. If Ya Can't Run With The "Big Dogs," Stay On The Porch!!

  • A Bird And A "Big Dog."

  • The twin to the above Blue & Yellow Suzuki GSXR 750, ( Black & Purple Racing Colors ) owned and driven by my Son, David. turned 136mph in 10:21 seconds at ATCO Raceway, N.J. He is currently ranked 3rd on the East Coast in standings for his Class.

    The above is a pic of Karen, my first Cybernet Gal Pal. She is the first Lady I ever talked to on the Internet. WE started making and comparing E-Mail signatures, which I thought was a fun thing to do. I got so carried away with it that I decided to build a web site where I could save them as I made them to go along with my NFL Fan and Football page. My #1 passion??.....FOOTBALL!!. She's a true Football Fan of the New England Patriots and I'm proud to call her MY friend. I Thank You, "K". Deservedly so, she retains the Number #1 position on my Honor Roll page.....

    Me, with "Suzuki" and "Tyler" in front of my Son's backyard Pond.~Globe By Elaine~

    ~FEBRUARY 14, 2000~Jersey worn in honor of DERRICK THOMAS lying in state this day at Arrowhead Stadium


    I want to especially thankWtvGoddess aka Carolyn from HPO NG for nominating my site and personalizing this award andMandyAnn79 aka Mandy for making it for me. This has SPECIAL meaning because it was given to me! I don't believe something is an award that ANYBODY can receive simply by applying for and only "winning" because you agree to sign a guestbook and put their link on your page. An AWARD is Just That! If you had to apply for it, how can it be called an Award?
    YOU are honored when you sign my guestbook, without any stipulations!! I believe that if it wasn't bestowed on me then I didn't earn it, I don't deserve it, and therefore I don't want it." Having never won anything before, this was a complete surprise to me, I consider this my "OSCAR" and I am truly honored and it will always be special to me as will these two Lady Staff Members from Homepage Opinion (HPO) Newsgroup.


    I joined an internet Football Pool in 1998, after getting my webtv, simply because of my love for the sport and the thrill of picking the winners of each Team each week and competing with others across the country. If I could end up in the top 10 of my State, I would have been elated because it was already in the 8th week of the season when I found this Pool. I was flabbergasted at the end of the season to find I was 27th in the country and 1ST in my State.

    I couldn't wait for the '99 season to begin even though I knew it would be impossible to repeat my standings because of starting in the first week and more people in the Pool. Once you are in the pool, they email you before the following season as a reminder, so I knew there wouldn't be less people.Could never be 1st in my State again, right? WRONG!!!!! I was way out front and knew I couldn't be caught in my State.What I as concerned about was the overall standings because they had a glitch in their computer in week #16 that failed to record 3 of my games. What makes this so important to me is you don't just pick winners. Thru the SuperBowl, you must pick:QB, RB, WR, TE, with the most yards to earn points. (
    Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2000, 3:57pm (EST-3)
    Subject: Re: Total points

    Hi Dave,
    Yes, by adding the 3 points from faulty Week 16, your official total of 285 plus 3 would make 288! This would put you squarely in a second place finish, 2 points behind Don.

    So you qualify for a $50 second place cash prize! Congrats! Just reply back to this message stating that you will accept this prize along with your mailing address. You can expect to receive it in the mail within 2 weeks.

    Thanks for playing this season and again we apologize for the mess up back in Week 16.
    Creator of

    ~2ND PLACE IN THE GOOD OLE USA, BABY!!!!!~To me, winning isn't everything but the EFFORT TO WIN IS!!!!!!!......

    ~2000 SEASON ~

    I did well in the Regular Season, but missed in my play-off selections AND the Super Bowl winner which dropped my ranking down to 24th in the Final standings for the season.

    I'm still ranked NO. #1 in the State Of Maryland though, THREE years in a row!!


    One of the greatest Linebacker's to ever play the Game.
    The Legendary #51 of the Chicago Bears.

    I am overwhelmed with pride to get this honor from a football legend..

    (Dick Butkus Football Network)
    Date: Wed, Sep 20, 2000, 1:06am (EDT-1)
    To: Respected Football Site Webmaster
    Re: Gemini Dave's Place

    From: Dick Butkus - NFL Hall of Famer and Internet Football Awards Chairman


    As Chairman of the Internet Football Awards, I want to congratulate you and your website on being honored as a 2001 All Pro Football Site. Our website judging committee has selected only the very best football sites to receive this coveted award.

    Every year, we review the top sites in football and honor the very best based on content excellence. Since your football website has been awarded a 2001 All Pro Football Site Award, your site will also be eligible for the 2000 Internet Football Awards.

    Congratulations again and good luck in the 2000 Internet Football Awards.
    With Friendship,
    Dick Butkus
    Chairman - Internet Football Awards
    NFL Hall of Fame - Chicago Bears


    My greatest award, was given to me by a very special lady, on June 7, 2000.

    I will always remember when I received the following e-mail from Cory Danger, on her behalf, presenting it to me.

    Her site was an inspiration to me, as I am sure it was, to many others. Her generosity showed with each page, along with her love of beautiful graphics and images.

    From: (Cory)
    Date: Wed, Jun 7, 2000, 9:28pm

    On behalf of Lady Oh, I would like to present you with Lady Oh's Excellent Site Award. There has only been two other sites to get this one, so it's the rarest of her awards. She loved your pages and kept marvelling at how great your sigs were ("they just kept getting better and better!"). She also liked the help items you have.....a very well-rounded site! There is no need to link it back to us if you do not wish to. It's just her way of thanking you for providing her (and your other visitors) with such a terrific site.
    For Lady Oh...
    Take Care,

    To be given an AWARD from any of your peers would be an honor. To get the most prestigious Award on the internet, in my opinion, from The Incomparable Lady Oh is Overwhelming!!! This is the Ultimate Award from the most gifted Lady on the internet, in my opinion, and will always remain a treasure to me. To me, this is winning the SuperBowl and Academy Award, all wrapped up in ONE! She is One in a Million.......and so is her Site!!!

    An ICON of the internet has left us this day. Many strive to reach perfection. Lady Oh was at the pinnacle of perfection. She will always remain the "Incomparable One" to me. As the Third, and final recipient of her coveted Award, IN HER HONOR, there will NEVER be another award placed on my pages.........None, deserve to be with hers. Rest in Peace with the other ANGELS.

    Gemini Dave

    ~The "Lady" will be missed ~

    On the following pages are some of the E-Mail signatures I've made from my webtv. I enjoy making them and I, for one, am proud of myself because, good or bad, the entire site was done trial and error by me.! I thought I would attempt my first web page, and I don't take credit for something unless I do it myself.