The spring swim banquet date has been confirmed.  The banquet will be April 28, 2000 at Bernardi's in Walpole.  Please note that Bernardi's name will change to Rafaell's 1/1/00.  It will not effect our banquet.

What is the Booster Club?
The Booster Club is a volunteer organization of parents that assist with various functions in suuport of the swim team program.

Why should I attend meetings?
Every year the booster club spends thousands of dollars on swim team related items. At the meetings the members vote on where and how this money is spent. If you want a say in how your money is spent it is important that you attend the meetings.

Who is a member?
Every parent who has a swimmer on the team is a member.  When you paid the fees at the beginning of the year there was a portion that went toward booster club dues.

When are the meetings?
Meetings are scheduled once a month at either
Franklin Forge Park YMCA or the North Attleboro YMCA.  Meetings usually begin at
7:30 and last for about an hour. Check out this
site for any changes in location, date or time of
Scheduled Meetings:
October 20, 1999 Franklin(change of location)
November 17, 1999 Franklin
(change of day)
December 15, 1999 North Attleboro
January 19, 2000 Franklin
(change fo day)
February 16, 2000 North Attleboro
March 16, 2000 Franklin
April 19, 2000 North Attleboro