Mick Foley is one funny guy. Aside from giving us some of wrestling's best interviews over the years, he has also supplied us with tons of quotes that are memorable.Some are funny, others are simply Foley trademarks. Keep checking back routinely, I'll be adding more quotes as I get them.

"I can't jump high, so I jump from high places!"

"Have a nice day!"-Mankind

"Bang bang!"-Cactus Jack


"I'm harcore!"-Cactus Jack

"Do you smell what the Sock is cookin'?"-Mankind

"I got one word for ya, SOCKO!"-Mankind

"I am afraid of what I might do when I no longer have control of my mind."-Mankind

"That lump in your throat isn't emotion- IT'S YOUR LIVER!!!!"-Mick Foley

"If the Gods could build me a ladder to the heavens, I'd climb up the ladder and elbow drop the world."-Cactus Jack

"13 words - How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"-Mankind

"On my best to early to mid afternoon, I could beat you on your worst late evening."-Mick Foley

"I would rather hurt a man than love a woman."-Cactus Jack