Welcome to the Mick Foley Shrine Guestbook.

- 03/06/00 23:36:47

mick foley will come back because hhh is a bitch and so his lover.

Bill Smith - 03/02/00 17:08:24
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/dragonkempo97
My Email:dragonkempo97@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: The Rock
Favorite Site: www.therock.com
Favorite Wrestling Move: the peoples elbow

Hi, i wanted to say great site and would like to know where to find the mick foley remember me video they showed on raw after no way out. if you could email the link it would be greatly appreciated. Bill

Masanori Horie - 02/29/00 03:49:34
My URL:/Colosseum/Bench/5904/japan.htm
Favorite Wrestler: Mick Foley

Kawasaki Baseball Stadium, where Cactus Jack and Terry Funk had "King of the Death Matches" Tournament Final on August 20, 1995, will be closed on March 31, 2000, and it will be pulled down in April. This old and decrepit stadium was opened in April 1952 nd held its first wrestling show in September 1957. Since then, it has held 11 big wrestling shows in 40 years. I put together "Wrestling Shows at Kawasaki Baseball Stadium" including Cacutus's pictures in the "King of the Death Matches".Please take a look at this optional link URL.

Lisa Sandifer - 01/23/00 21:27:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/lstonypage
My Email:defiant_one58@hotmail.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mick Foley
Favorite Site: WWF.com
Favorite Wrestling Move: Anything Mick does

I am a huge fan of Mick Foley's. I got to get the chance to meet him on January 15th. He was at a car show signing autographs. He is a really sweet man and I hope he wins the Gold on Royal Rumble tonight.

Emile Bautista - 01/06/00 05:17:14
My Email:funkE20@cs.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mick "Mankind" Foley
Favorite Wrestling Move: Socko

Mick Foley Should be president! Elect Socko to the Senate!

rebecca - 12/29/99 18:47:08
My Email:becca_n_mark@hotmail.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mick foley/Steve austin
Favorite Wrestling Move: stone cold stunner

I would like to know if Monday night was truly the last night for Mick. He lost a contract match against The Rock and the loser was supposed to be out of a job... Please tell me it isn't so. I really like your site, the graphic pictures really tell th tale of the past. It is good to be able to see the things that he has been through in the years that have past. becca

chris lisi - 11/27/99 03:34:57
My URL:http://canada
My Email:www.adamlisi@home.com
Favorite Wrestler: mankind
Favorite Site: www.wwf.com
Favorite Wrestling Move: MR SOCKO


- 10/29/99 13:55:56

this is a pretty good site but it needs cactus jacks entrance theme

The Patient - 09/13/99 16:54:22
Favorite Wrestler: Mick Foley
Favorite Site: BWF.com
Favorite Wrestling Move: Patient's Sideslam

I'm a wrestler known as the patient. I wrestle for the Backyard Wrestling Federation. For more information write to: Backyard Wrestling Federation, Box 191, Togo, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0A 4E0. Believe it or not, I actually wrestled Doink about a month ago!!!!

Dr.Deathmatch - 04/19/99 02:32:48
My URL:OnTheAttack
My Email:ebarton@cableregina.com
Favorite Wrestler: Foley-Cactus Jack
Favorite Site: Yours andJacks
Favorite Wrestling Move: DoublearmDDT+Bulldog

Good site. True Foley fanz love the Deathmatch and Cactus. Who's better than Cactus? Sure as hell ain't that fruitcake the rock SMELL WHAT THE SOCK IZ COOKIN

Courtnye Foley - 04/08/99 15:03:26
My URL:http://www.channel21.com/members/Hot4Fole
My Email:C.Pinnow@excite.com
Favorite Wrestler: DUH! Mick Foley
Favorite Wrestling Move: Double arm DDT or Sweet shin music

Will someone go and check out my site! It took three gallons of kool-aid 7 cups of coffe and an all-nighter but I got it finished! E-mail me and tell me if you liked it or not and If You Like The cRock DON'T BOTHER!

foley_man - 04/04/99 03:56:46
Favorite Wrestler: mankind
Favorite Site: every mick folry site
Favorite Wrestling Move: mandable claw

this site rules i just want to know if you could get mankinds titan tron video on here like the other videos i will check back

kalim - 02/08/99 15:40:48
My URL:http://www.kalim.cjb.net
My Email:kalim0@hotmail.com
Favorite Wrestler: gokou
Favorite Site: kalim's world of dragon ball z/gt
Favorite Wrestling Move: kame ha me ha

good site but you can be better little grasshopper

missy da dawg! - 02/02/99 01:13:52
My Email:salamanderbob@yahoo.com
Favorite Wrestler: Dusty Rhodes
Favorite Site: yours
Favorite Wrestling Move: Bionic Elbow

Matthew'S GaY

Rory C - 01/29/99 02:03:52
My Email:RCMaivia@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mick Foely
Favorite Site: twnp newsboard
Favorite Wrestling Move: Pile driver


Mick Foley - 01/04/99 20:39:05
My Email:BradR4Life@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mr Mick
Favorite Site: not yours.
Favorite Wrestling Move: Double Arm DDT

I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I could probably take Mick!!!! ....not that I want to take on Mick.... I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCOR !!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!!I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARD ORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!!I'm HARDCORE!!! I'm HARDCORE!!! yep.

Inovator - 01/03/99 22:06:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/jobness/main.html
My Email:inovator@email.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mick Foley "Mankind"
Favorite Site: www.lordsofpain.net
Favorite Wrestling Move: Frog Splash

Your page is pretty awsome and you have alot of good info on your page check out www.angelfire.com/co/tyrahot its a foley site made by my friend

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