The Raging Report By:


Raging Report!

Signed Sealed and Delivered!




This Is The Raging Demon!

There Has Been Many feuds About wHos Gonna Be the Next champ At Hcw's Big Show. The Fans Have Gotten a first-hand view at Lunatic Fringe and the Raging Demon.(My self)

Things are looking good for hcw at the moment. We are signing better talent and we will be able to show what HCw really is.

 We have 2 Geust wrestlers preforming for the crowd. Spikey wilder, and the HCW commishioner, "D.A.V.E.!!

There will be a Hcw Hotline opening As Soon As Possible.

Thats all for the report.

"The Raging Demon"

Hcw Promoter...