Kathy - 09/26/00 19:38:00 My Email:eminemgrl69@juno.com What is your favorite color?:: red What kind of sports do you like?:: alot What do you think of Britt?:: she's da bomb What did you think of my page?:: it's da bomb How old are you?:: 15 | Comments: Hey Britt I love your home page!!!!! |
Gina - 07/28/00 23:21:36 My URL:http://ourworld-top.cs.com/jlgomez372/myhomepage/sports.html My Email:GinaGoal123@cs.com What is your favorite color?:: Pink or purple What kind of sports do you like?:: Soccer! Which rules! What do you think of Britt?:: She's cool! What did you think of my page?:: Pretty awesome! How old are you?:: 11 | Comments: This site has nice graphics and it's cool! Oh yeah, please visit my website and sign my guestbook! |
ALY - 05/26/00 05:37:40 My URL:http://people.goplay.com/alyellison/ My Email:alyellison@hotmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: 11 What is your favorite color?:: silver What kind of sports do you like?:: all SPORTS! What do you think of Britt?:: cool dude What did you think of my page?:: GREAT How old are you?:: 15 | Comments: Awesomw Page! |
patje - 05/04/00 23:36:31 My URL:http://welcome.to/patje My Email:patje_me@hotmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: 11 What is your favorite color?:: invisable What kind of sports do you like?:: dance What do you think of Britt?:: she's ok What did you think of my page?:: great!!! How old are you?:: 18 and you? | Comments: Nice site visit mine too!!! |
~Ashton~ - 01/06/00 17:33:21 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/asheart/index.html My Email:ashtonlove@hehe.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: i think 56, but i am not sure! What is your favorite color?:: purple What kind of sports do you like?:: badminton, basketball, vollyball What do you think of Britt?:: she rocks! She's that coolest!!!!! What did you think of my page?:: Neat-o How old are you?:: 12 almost 13 | Comments: Hey! I really like you because you are going to "THE GODLY THING" Well thats what I call it! It seems like you people to be saved too! That is just SO awsome! Well really cool page! Please visit mine sometime! Keep up the good work! *toodles* ~Ashton~ |
April Jennings :) - 12/28/99 01:07:25 My URL:/oo_apple_oo/ My Email:ar-cool-j@mailexcite.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: 14 What is your favorite color?:: Purple What kind of sports do you like?:: Just bout ne thing What do you think of Britt?:: I love her to death!! She's my sweetheart :) What did you think of my page?:: It's really good! Keep up the great work! How old are you?:: 16 | Comments: Hey girlie! Haven't talked to you in a while! Can't wait to see you again. Email me sometime. And don't forget to check out my page :). Love ya, ApRiL |
Jackie - 08/18/99 16:39:18 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/Jackie1422 My Email:Jackie1422@hotmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: um...3? What is your favorite color?:: gold What kind of sports do you like?:: diving! off springboard! What do you think of Britt?:: awesome! What did you think of my page?:: cute! How old are you?:: 14 | Comments:![]() |
Misty Vass - 08/14/99 04:06:53 My Email:mistiv_01 | Comments: |
Stephanie - 07/26/99 02:38:17 My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/tiggersgirl99 My Email:Stephny99@aol.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: who knows?! What is your favorite color?:: Silver! What kind of sports do you like?:: Soccer and Volleyball What do you think of Britt?:: kewl What did you think of my page?:: very kewl How old are you?:: 14 | Comments: very kewl page. keep up the good work! |
Pamela - 07/17/99 15:44:36 My URL:http://zap.to/animals My Email:forevermonkey@hotmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: ummm, three! What is your favorite color?:: blue What kind of sports do you like?:: soccer What do you think of Britt?:: you're cool, but what happened to the about me page, it's now a game page What did you think of my page?:: cool How old are you?:: 11 | Comments: Great website. Keep up the good work! I like the sticky pad! |
nikki - 07/15/99 20:27:40 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/nikkib My Email:leigh9010@aol.com What is your favorite color?:: blue What kind of sports do you like?:: any What do you think of Britt?:: neat What did you think of my page?:: funky How old are you?:: 13 | Comments: Neat page |
~*~Lauryn~*~ - 07/03/99 04:49:23 My URL:http://zap.to/lauryn My Email:Dancer3443@aol.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: 34 What is your favorite color?:: Blue and Green What kind of sports do you like?:: Dancin, Softball, watching baseball (the Cubbies!) and Basketball What do you think of Britt?:: Britt RAWKS! hehe What did you think of my page?:: It's GREAT! How old are you?:: 16 | Comments: I linked your banner on my page. Here's the HTML code for my banner: ![]() |
Johanne Craig - 06/12/99 23:38:34 My URL:http://web.idirect.com/~craig My Email:johannec@home.com What is your favorite color?:: red What kind of sports do you like?:: hockey How old are you?:: 42 | Comments: Hi, excellent pages you have. I really enjoyed my visit. ![]() |
Kasey Conn - 05/17/99 23:06:05 My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/kascon/ My Email:kaseyconn@hotmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: whatever........ What is your favorite color?:: cereluen What kind of sports do you like?:: basketball, softball, soccer, cheerleading What do you think of Britt?:: very funny person What did you think of my page?:: it's cool, so much better then mine!! How old are you?:: 14 | Comments: I love your page Brittany! It's soooo cool! |
Jim - 04/25/99 12:12:22 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/goodguy What is your favorite color?:: red What kind of sports do you like?:: hockey What do you think of Britt?:: outstanding citizen What did you think of my page?:: outstanding page How old are you?:: 33 | Comments:![]() to visit my page if you wish. |
Mary - 04/25/99 12:07:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com My Email:no How many fingers am I holding up?:: trick question--0 What is your favorite color?:: beige What kind of sports do you like?:: o baby What do you think of Britt?:: friendly and outgoing What did you think of my page?:: interesting How old are you?:: under 30 | Comments: heres a song for you guestpage if it works |
Becka M. - 04/12/99 22:11:08 What is your favorite color?:: Green What kind of sports do you like?:: Softball What do you think of Britt?:: She's cool.. What did you think of my page?:: It's real good How old are you?:: 13 | Comments: Hi Britt, it's Becka from school. You know the girl that sits by you at math. I came to check out your home page. It looks realy good (but I haven't went all the way through it yet. Gots to go. BECKA M. |
Landon - 04/07/99 23:12:36 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8624 My Email:pyrotechnics@coldmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: I like your site almost47 What is your favorite color?:: I like your site blackgreen What kind of sports do you like?:: I like your site none What do you think of Britt?:: I like her site she's cool What did you think of my page?:: I like your site cool How old are you?:: I like your site almost 17 | Comments: I like your site. |
~*Angel*~ - 03/31/99 23:27:57 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/Nicole/FrontPage.html How many fingers am I holding up?:: um...2, no wait 1.......er......10!!! What is your favorite color?:: Blue,Purple and Silver What kind of sports do you like?:: I love watching Football What do you think of Britt?:: Hey Your Cool!! What did you think of my page?:: Awesome How old are you?:: 16 tuening 17 on July 5!!!! | Comments: Hey There Britt!!! You have a cool page. Keep up the great work. Stop by my page sumtime and sign my GB!!! Much Love, ~*Angel*~ |
Antione - 03/29/99 00:10:32 My URL:http://www,geocities.com/SouthBeach/Port/9995 My Email:2lovers2gether4ever@mailcity.com What is your favorite color?:: purple What kind of sports do you like?:: i play football i am AWESOME :) What do you think of Britt?:: kewl What did you think of my page?:: VERY kewl How old are you?:: 15 | Comments: hEY I LIKED YOUR PAGE I SAW IT FROM MY GIRLS (April) page so i thought i would come and visit it i liked it well i gonna go see if i can't find my girl and tell her how much i love her Peace :) |
April - 03/28/99 01:58:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/3445/ My Email:ar-cool-j@mailexcite.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: one....HEY!!! Britt, itz not nice to flip off ur cousin!!!! ;) j/k What is your favorite color?:: purple What kind of sports do you like?:: basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, etc. What do you think of Britt?:: kewl What did you think of my page?:: kewl How old are you?:: 15 | Comments: Hey, Britt!!!!! Member me??? Does the 4th of July ring a bell??? I finally got ur url from Tammy!! You've got a really cool page here! Keep up the great work, and check out mine sometime, K? Talk to you laterz. |
D'Sly Fairy - 03/23/99 21:00:03 My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html My Email:slyfox@cruzio.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: As many as you want What is your favorite color?:: Purple What kind of sports do you like?:: Footbll, baseball, cricket, etc. How old are you?:: 238 | Comments: |
diana - 03/18/99 06:20:55 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/Purple52 What is your favorite color?:: purple What kind of sports do you like?:: baseball How old are you?:: 14 | Comments: great page, keep up da awesome work!! |
Jen - 03/12/99 01:23:59 My URL:http://travel.to/planet~jen My Email:greeneyedjen@gurlmail.com What is your favorite color?:: BLUE BABY What kind of sports do you like?:: Bball, hockey, football ( watch not play) What do you think of Britt?:: super kewl What did you think of my page?:: GROOVY How old are you?:: 13 | Comments: Hiya,...your page rox cause Jen says so hehe that would be good for an my award to say if I had one hehe but I dont yet........anyway, please go check my site it's not bad for a new page ~JEN~ |
Michelle - 03/08/99 23:34:34 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/shelly64 My Email:bluesugar42@yahoo.com What is your favorite color?:: blue What kind of sports do you like?:: volleyball What do you think of Britt?:: you are kewl What did you think of my page?:: its WONDERFUL | Comments: Hi Britt! This is a really great page! I already signed, but i wanted to tell you something- I think your page is really good and should be in the Rumbles- a GREAT page competition that i joined not lo g ago. :-) Its really fun. just go here. you can even sign ^ for jobs. :-) c-ya there! ~Michelle |
Jenni - 03/05/99 21:17:43 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sc/mee My Email:ICPjenICP@aol.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: 1000000000000001 What is your favorite color?:: black What kind of sports do you like?:: mass murders What do you think of Britt?:: who? What did you think of my page?:: its pretty phat How old are you?:: old enough | Comments: ~*Jenni*~ ![]() |
Kelly - 03/02/99 16:23:17 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/HorseLuver/index.html My Email:bayhorse@denalics.net How many fingers am I holding up?:: i dont get it...uh....none? What is your favorite color?:: silver What kind of sports do you like?:: horse-back riding, basketball What do you think of Britt?:: kewl What did you think of my page?:: its grreat! How old are you?:: 12 and a half =) | Comments: Grrrreat site Britt! I'm a visiting member on the DUnicorn team, just coming to wish you luck! Anways, good luck and I hope you make it to the championships!! Gooooooo Site Fights!!!!!!!!! =~) |
Wee One Seralia - 03/02/99 07:42:39 My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html My Email:ladyseralia@hotmail.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: None? What did you think of my page?:: Keep it up! How old are you?:: 15 | Comments:
fairy merry - 03/01/99 23:24:37 My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html My Email:marion_h@yahoo.com How many fingers am I holding up?:: none What is your favorite color?:: blue What kind of sports do you like?:: none What do you think of Britt?:: wonderful person What did you think of my page?:: great page How old are you?:: guess | Comments: Hear us growl Hear us roar Hear us rumble thru your door Wishing you luck ,wishing you well Sprinkling our dust : your under our spell GOOD LUCK ![]() |
Fairy Skylight - 03/01/99 06:13:16 My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/Dfairy.html My Email:Fairy_skylight@yahoo.com What is your favorite color?:: teal How old are you?:: 99 | Comments:~~~Sprinkle~~~Sprinkle~~~![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()