Boots Wrestling
On the Title is the link to StageCoach Wrestling Products they are the best I've found on the net for the sell of Wrestling boots both men and women's. They were so nice even when they knew there was not a sell going to take place. They were very fast in returning e-mail and answered all my questions. They are the number one boot supplier in my books and if you like check them out maybe they can design and make a pair for you. Remember tell them Tiffany sent you.
There is always an element of beauty in anything new, whether it be a new car, budding flower, or a child. Tiger Dream embodies this beauty with her mere presence. Once a moderately known female wrestler named Candy Okutsu, Okutsu now symbolizes a new age of the Tiger Mask lineage. From her lumi- nescent pink, gold, and black outfit to the trademark mask of her heritage (modified with female touches, of course), Tiger Dream is the female personification of a once-strictly male legacy.
The beauly of Tiger Dream comes not only from the veiled face of a once-recognizable Japanese star of women's wrestling, but also from the depth of the tradition she has vowed to sustain. Tiger Dream's satiny skin and chestnut brown eyes certainly add to her classic Japanese looks, but her shocking pink hair is anything but traditional.
It remains to be seen If Tiger Dream will live up to her padigree in Japan's Arison promotion, but one thing is almost certain: The haunting appeal of her eyes might just start a whole new tradition.
Vivian Vachon had to learn to wrestle or she would have had a tough go of it as a child. Her brothers, Maurice ("Mad Dog") and Paul ("Butcher") grew up to be AWA World tag team champions.
Vachon truly wrestled like a man, using power moves such as standing suplexes. Although a big woman at 155 pounds, Vachon was known for her great speed and stamina. Among her many accomplishments was winning the Grand Prix championship following a victory over Jean Antone in Quebec.
One of the most famous women wrestlers ever, she was the feature subject of the motion picture Wrestling Queen. In addition to her wrestling career, Vachon had a number of hit records sung in French that were popular in the Montreal area. She inspired females both in the U.S. and Canada, but none more so than her own niece, Luna Vachon, who has become a solid competitor.
Vivian's life came to a tragic end in 1991 when she and her daughter, Julie, where involved in a head-on collision in Montreal. Vivian was 40 years old.
this Icon is a Story released in an issue of Wrestling All Stars
about a match
between Sable Vs Jackie and how she is the WWF Woman's Champion.
Thanks to the Catfight.gif site for the gif.
Only the great ladies that wore the tights and boots.
I hope you will enjoy this page as much as I have enjoyed making it. If you have any news comments or just want to send a picture email me. Make sure you put in the subject line "wrestling page" I hope you take the time to look around give suggestions and comments and please send me those links I need them bad.
Information for this page collected from Pro Wrestling Illustrated
See you on the mat if you dare.....LOL
Site Updated June 9, 1999
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Most of the information we get is from Pro-Wrestling Illustrated the one magazine that knows what the readers like.
But we would like to see a little more of the Ladies
This site is a not for profit site, it is for fun only the prize for the best dressed lady wrestler will not be much but, if you would like to sponsor it send me an e-mail.
It must be you or your girlfriend, wife, or fiancee' It can be color or black and white It can be a poloaird or any other type of picture There is to be any nudity at all. Photographs with nudity will not be posted Dress the way you would enter the ring. Must of all have fun. Be sure and enter in the subject of your e-mail "contest photo".
Great site for some pictures not big but, good quality can anyone tell me is this still on the air anywhere? Answer
We will remove any photos upon request.
Look at what
we have the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK (no not those little wimps) the
New Girls.
A Tribute to the Late June Byers
Another one of Our Special Friends Mrs. Regina Cage
A Special Treat from a Special Friend
Test Your Knowledge of The Ladies
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