New June 9, 1999

If you ever get a chance to meet this guy, DO IT he is a wonderful person and a lot of fun to chat with.

But, he needs your help, no money, no tricks, not asking for anything but, your prayers.

Go to Tina_D's Website for the message board and let him know you are thinking about him.

We all love you Dirk.


If you would like to learn more about Dirk and his friends go to Crystalfilms Chat Room.

If you would like to learn a little bit more about me, go to Tiffany's Wrestling Page, and find out

just what I know about Professional Womens Wrestling.


Tiffany's is rated - G

Tina_D is rated - G

Crystalfilms is rated - R


Come on in enjoy yourself but, most of all let a great guy like Dirk know you are thinking about him.

Drop me a line or a note while your at it.

Tiffany's Contest is Underway

Enter Now!


Bye for now !


Tiffany'sTina_D's CrystalfilmsUnder 21