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Sick As A Parrot

"A far more lucid description of management" - Micro User review

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Hi. Thanks for coming to the site. My name's Malcolm (Mac) Howard. I'm a game designer for PCs. My one claim to fame is that I "invented" the soccer management game (smg) in 1982 and have pushed forward the boundaries of the game ever since.

My latest projects are Sick as a Parrot (SaaP) and SaaP Online. The first is an smg which has been designed to be a much more intelligent and realistic simulation of the real-world manager's experience and actions. The second is an online distribution system to provide a world-wide audience with a continuously developing game at a price well below the normal price for a one off game.

The "Browse around" button above will take you to the site map with links to a number pages with information about general and individual aspects of the game and an explanation of the SaaP Online community of gamers.

www.soccer-sites.com, click the logo to go to the free soccer only search engine.