Welcome to my Guestbook!

Nick - 08/01/00 14:54:22
My Email:hollowhead@columbus.rr.com
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
you have a really nice site!!!

michael - 03/24/00 19:12:10
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes ! die hard
cincinati rules the nfl 4life

Raidaz Fan - 03/19/00 03:20:36
My URL:http://www.raiders.com
Favorite NFL Team: Raiders
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): A little
Don't worry Bengals fans the wins are right around the corner with Akili Smith at the helm. At least I hope, that'd be cool. I think they should trade Pickens for another draft pick or two or three... Keep Dillon though.

- 03/04/00 15:15:38
Hello - We are the Official NFL Golf Clubs (http://www.justwebit.com/members/4229) and are trying to contact the president or owner of this fan site. We have an opportunity for you and your fan base and request you contact us at either gec@ix.netcom.com or toll free at 877-432-2582 for details of this offer. Thank you, Frank DeCabia

Dan Burkholder - 02/19/00 05:37:11
My Email:danb@kearney.net
Favorite NFL Team: The Damn Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Unfortunatly, A huge Fan
As I have read may other comments I too wish the best Cinci. But wont be too surprised if they piss another season down their leg. Oh well, praying right now that deion gets in good with the Reds,so the Bengals can improve on defense. God knows they co ld use his experience. Nice Site

Chris - 02/04/00 14:05:42
My Email:scullyfan_99@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Why Yes
Interesting page. I've been a Bengal fan since 1987. Boomer Esiason is my all-time favorite Bengal. Bengal fans, feel free to email me.

Colly Boy - 01/29/00 02:36:28
My Email:colly_boy@hotmail.com
Favorite NFL Team: The Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Yeah - Big fan!
One of the few Scottish based Bengals fans. Can't wait for the NFL draft in April. Go Bengals!!!!!!!

Hindu Man - 01/24/00 22:20:12
My Email:hindumania@excite.com
Favorite NFL Team: Washington Redskins
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): I hate the Titans
Hey man, it's been a while since the Bengals have been good, but hopefully that will turn around soon. I like the Browns and Bengals, and I really hate the Titans and Steelers and Ravens. Seeing the Bengals kick their asses in the near future would be a g eat delight.

Big-D - 01/14/00 01:29:02
My Email:Dylan560
Favorite NFL Team: Detroit Lions

Avery Furvel - 01/07/00 04:22:57
My Email:morrisa@wcoil.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Nice page - I look forward to the off season player developments as well as your analysis of same.

Devin Farnum - 12/29/99 04:29:53
Favorite NFL Team: The Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Yes
I would like to say that you site is pretty cool and you give a good overall review of the previous game. I would like to see more pictures if possible.

Jack L - 12/23/99 19:07:46
Favorite NFL Team: The Bungles
Welcome back! Good analysis this week. We want more! And pictures too...

Jack - 12/21/99 17:25:58
Favorite NFL Team: Bungles
Your site needs cheerleader pictures... as you know, the cheerleaders are the only thing worth watching at Cinergy Field

T. Barylett - 12/15/99 12:04:05
My URL:/Colosseum/Ring/2831
My Email:El-Lobo-Plata@webtv.net
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
I like your site But then I like all Real BENGAL FANS like yourself. Keep up the faith and continue supporting the team/ Y would like to add you in my site if its ok with you

Diablo7603 - 12/12/99 23:05:08
My Email:Diablo7603@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Y forever
i'm glad 2 see a bengals page

michael - 12/01/99 23:02:48
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes, 4 life
I am still praying for them! I guess there was angals in the inzone SUNDAY afternoon it,s about time the win a game!keep up the good work don,t lit me down ok! (BENGALS FREAK IN ohio)

michael - 12/01/99 22:51:46
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes, 4 life
I am still praying for them! I guess there was angals in the inzone SUNDAY afternoon it,s about time the win a game

Eric Gillespie - 11/27/99 17:16:04
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
The Bengals are going through some tough times right now, but every team does. If you can't support the Bengals when they need you the most, I don't want to see you at the games when they are kicking some serious butt. All "fair weather" fans should jus stay at home all year round. If you only jump on the bandwagon when they are going to the play-offs, you're not worthy to call your self a Bengals fan. I'm 18 years old and I've been a Bengals fan as long as I can remember. I proudly carried my Bengal lunch box in to school when they went to the Super Bowl and I still proudly wear my Bengals clothes to college. BENGALS RULE!!!!

Quentae Batiste - 11/24/99 04:22:13
My Email:edex93a@prodigy.net
Favorite NFL Team: Dallas Cowboys
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes
Nice website.I went high school with wide receiver James Hundon number 85.Too bad he has not caught a pass all this season.Our school produced John madden(yes.the same fox analyst that you are thinking of )and strangely enough edwin mulitalo a guard for the ravens

mike - 11/16/99 22:02:52
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes! 4 life
I have bene a bengals fun all my life I wish they will do somthing I loved it when they go to the super bowl 22 and the other super bowl i wish the can do that more othen i hope iam not the only bengals fun in ohio?

mike - 11/16/99 21:52:21
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes! 4 life
I have

Steve Roberts - 11/12/99 04:07:50
My Email:Steve_Roberts@myob.com.au
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's pretty lonely being what I believe to be the only Bengals Fan in Australia! A loyal fan to the end-I've got the tattoos to prove i

Steve Roberts - 11/12/99 02:44:08
My Email:Steve_Roberts@myob.com.au
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS

JEFF YATES - 11/11/99 01:36:59
My Email:jbyater@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Olivier Gadoua - 11/11/99 00:28:43
My URL:http://www.nfl.com/bengals
My Email:borrys@hotmail.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): of course
I'm the greatest french canadian fan in Quebec! I'm a 17 year old buddy from Montreal, and I'm a Bengal fan since I was 8 years old. I want to say to the other bengals' fans not to discourage yourselves, the good old law of the average will make the Benga s know great times in the next few years. They're full of young talented guys who want to play football; I think the problems are more in the management of the team than in the team itslef. Next year, in the new Paul Brown stadium, on great natural grass, The bengals will kick some ass! By the way, i'd like to say fuck you to all you in Cincinnati who can watch the bengals' games on TV. Here, in montreal, Fox en CBS only broadcast the Bils, Jets, Giants, Redskins... It's not because we live near these citi s that we necessarely love their football team! So I gotta listen to WTUE Dayton by internet, and follow rhe game with Game day live et nfl.com! It sucks a bit, but since it's for the bengals, it worths the effort.

J.D. Mace - 10/25/99 18:33:24
My URL:http://www.macegroup.com
My Email:jdmrr531@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
I've followed these guys for 30 years, but I've got to admit my patience is wearing thin. I'm even finding myself watching (God forbid I actually say it). . . the Browns. I KNOW they'll be better sooner than the Bengals.

Rory Hansen - 10/15/99 06:14:24
My Email:ror_dog110@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: Duh,I wonder
Who_dey! Bengal's fan for life

Ki-Jana Carter - 10/08/99 08:24:08
Favorite NFL Team: Penn State
This is a pretty good site. I wish, though, that there would be more wrote about how i am under appreciated on this team. Everyone thinks that Dillon is the featured back on this team when in reality it should be me. I have done more for this team then any of these losers on this squad. Remember me back at Penn State? Wow, I was great. I was getting bitches everynight. Anyone I wanted. Now I am lucky to get any women. It is all because of Coslet. Mike Brown, god bless his soul, is trying to build a re l contender in Cincinnati but Coslet keeps screwing it up, first by using Hearst over me and then Dillon over me. It is a disgrace. I am just glad Brown has not given up on me. That guy knows real football talent.

Derrick - 10/08/99 08:13:36
My Email:coledw@hotmail.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bungles
this team seriously sucks! the defense is horrible. the offense is horrible. the way this team plays it is hard to imagine anyone letting them win. who-dey who-dey!!!

Rams Fan - 10/05/99 02:39:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz4/ramsrock
My Email:boyh007@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: Rams
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): N/y/N/y/NNNNN
The bengals are horrible now it is embarresment in lose against the Rams 38-3 I guess you guys just like the #3 oh well too bad you guys couldn't shut the rams down it's really pittyful Az-zahir Hakim droped the ball and still got a TD although Hakim is n awesome returner there is no excuse for that

Matt Addona - 09/19/99 23:05:36
My Email:Addona@esnet.net
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes
I Love The Bengals I wish if You can send me a pictures of all the bengals signed. I went to the bengals game vs Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium it was awesone game. I am want to get a autograph photo with all the team. I been a fan along time. Please do t at for me. Bengals are the best team in the NFL .

Brad Smith - 09/15/99 17:33:36
My Email:mailfour@copwoc.org
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
We will get there, keep your chin up.

fred burks - 08/25/99 17:31:25
My Email:fredburks@hotmail.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals!!!!!!
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes

DAN LYNCH - 08/21/99 13:50:47
My Email:bengalboy@compaq.net
Favorite NFL Team: WHO DEY!
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): CAN YOU TELL?
We bengal fans need to stick togather. If anyone knows a cool bengal website please let me know! BENGALBOY.

Josh Hughes - 08/19/99 19:08:55
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
keep carl pickens

Jack - 08/06/99 12:29:22
My Email:john.leitzinger@lexis-nexis.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Sign off and finish your chores.

Eirik T - 08/03/99 12:50:10
My Email:etalhaug@nordhordkraft.no
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Yes
Nice page, man. Guys like you makes us overseas Bengals fans able to follow our team. Unfortunatly I'm not as optimistic as the rest of the bunch. The D will do ok though. Eirik Bergen, Norway

Dan McCaughey - 08/02/99 04:18:50
Favorite NFL Team: cincinnati, Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes
I am really strugeling to get excited about the Bengals. Every year I am optimistic only to be disapointed.

El-Lobo_Plata - 08/01/99 21:07:26
My URL:/Colosseum/Ring/2831
My Email:El-Lobo-Plata@webtv.net
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes
Keep up good work Strong opinions on Bengals that have positive slant are always good Come Visit my site its not complete yet and you may be able to help

El-Lobo_Plata - 08/01/99 21:07:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Ring/2831
My Email:El-Lobo-Plata@webtv.net
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes
Keep up good work Strong opinions on Bengals that have positive slant are always good Come Visit my site its not complete yet and you may be able to help

Josh Carter - 07/29/99 17:19:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Lodge/4614/
My Email:bengal28@infinet.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Yes
Very nice page. The Bengals will make the playoffs this year for the first time in 9 years. WHO DEY WHO DEY

Ken Stauffer - 06/29/99 02:30:41
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): YES (LIFETIME FAN)
The BENGALS had good times in the 80's and not so good in the 90's,nows it's time the tiger roars AGAIN!....GO BENGALS..!!!

Matt - 06/27/99 15:37:09
My Email:matt_pohlman@hotmail
Favorite NFL Team: BENGALS
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): HUGE
This is the best Bengals web site I've seen. Keep it up I really enjoy it. As for the Bengals if they can keep the Oline healthy they could seriously surprise some people

Bob Peterson - 06/23/99 17:36:02
My Email:peanut2881@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): refer to previous question
This is a very good site that I visit frequently. I only wish it was updated more often.

Todd Daniels - 06/23/99 01:12:50
My Email:BengalsCin@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: bengals always
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): the biggest
Great, i found this site.My predictions, Our o-line has been much improved with demarco and o'dwyer. Look for Takeo Spikes in Pro-Bowl. Our record this year will be 9-7 or possibly 10-6.

jacob stover - 06/15/99 14:30:37
My URL:http://citynet
My Email:jacobstover@hotmail.com
Favorite NFL Team: bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): yes
great web page. lets hope your right and that they make the playoffs this season that would be one hellof a way to welcome the new millenium with the bengals in the playoffs.

Brad Barnes - 03/20/99 17:59:35
My Email:blbarnes@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals

Kevin - 03/08/99 19:27:37
My Email:the_extreme1@yahoo.com
Favorite NFL Team: Cincinnati Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any page devoted to the Bengals is a good page. I don't want to nit-pick but did you spell Cincinnati wrong on purpose or buy accident?

Icky Woods - 02/22/99 23:21:20
My Email:nada@none.com
Favorite NFL Team: NY JETS
Your Page is Nice, but the Bengals suck. They sucked in the past. They suck now. They always will suck. Even if when they are able to get decent players, they end up on the DL in no time

Mark Goens - 02/20/99 06:27:22
My Email:mdgoens.netscorp.net
Favorite NFL Team: Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): absolutely
I've lived in AZ the past 6 years and now I'm in Laredo, TX. Anyway I am the lone Bengal fan wherever I go. Everyone has the same question...WHY!. They just don't understand.

David Morris - 02/14/99 15:38:53
My Email:meg2@bright.net.com
Favorite NFL Team: Cincinnati Bengals
You got a great page here, you definately speak the truth on the Bungoles!

BengalDave - 02/08/99 17:39:26
Favorite NFL Team: Cincy Bengals
Bengals Fan? (Y/N): Hell yeah
Die hard fan here. Great page. Hope others see it and get involved. Keep up the good work.

Curtis Dunn - 02/07/99 13:26:34
My Email:dunboys@aol.com
Favorite NFL Team: Cincinnati Bengals
The biggest Bengals fan in South Dakota. Been following the team since 1977. Go Bengals!!!!!

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