* betyder at der er yderligere oplysninger om organisationen nedenfor
Dag |
Tid |
Aktivitet |
Torsdag d. 2. august |
16.05 |
Afgang fra Kastrup Lufthavn |
Fredag d. 3. august |
23.40 |
Ankomst Guatemala City. Transport til hotel i Antigua |
Lørdag d. 4. august |
Fridag i Antigua |
Søndag d. 5. august |
Fridag i Antigua |
Mandag d. 6. august |
Morgen 11.00 – 13.00 13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.45 15.30 – 16.30 |
Transport fra Antigua til Guatemala City UNDP
(United Nations Development Programme) (Hanna Muller) Frokost ACD (Asociación para la Construcción Democrática - Forening for demokratisk opbygning) (Rigoberto Quemé) PRODECA (DANIDA’s menneskerettighedsprogram i Centralamerika) (Klavs Wulff & Thora Gehl) |
Tirsdag d. 7. august |
– 10.00 10.30 – 11.15 13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.45 15.00 – 15.45 16.00 – 16.45 |
COPMAGUA (Koordinering af fem Maya organisationer i Guatemala med fokus på identitet og rettigheder)* Miguel
Angel Sandoval (Political analyst) Frokost MINUGUA
(Misión de la Naciones Unidas en Guatemala -FN’s
mission i Guatemala) (Reemplazo de Carlos Camacho – Tierras) MINUGUA
(Dr. Ricardo Changala, Derecho Laboral) MINUGUA
(Guillermo Fernández-Derechos H.) |
Onsdag d. 8. august |
09.00 – 09.45 10.30 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.15 13.00 – 14.00 14.30 16.00 |
CALDH (Centro de Accion Legal en Derechos Humanos; menneskerettighedsorganisation) (Frank La Rue)* PDH (Procuraduría de Derechos Humanos ombudsmandsinstitutionen for menneskerettigheder) (Alejandro Córdoba) AGAII (Asociación Guatemalteca de Alcaldes y Autoridades Indígenas – kommuneforeningen - indianske borgmestre) (Valentín Tavico)* Frokost IBIS
(Mario Silvestre) ODHA (Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado - Ærkebiskoppens kontor for menneskerettigheder) (Nery Rodenas)* FONTIERRA
(National Land Fund) (Sergio Mollinedo) OIT (Organización Internacional del Trabajo- International fagforening) (Miguel Angel Balcarcel) |
Torsdag d. 9. august |
08.30 – 09.45 10.00 – 10.45 13.00 – 14.00 15.00 – 15.45 16.00 – 16.45 |
PROPAZ (NGO) (Carlos Sarti)* Fundación Myrna Mack (NGO, modernisering af det juridiske system - demokratisering) (Annousche Mashouf)* Frokost FUNDAMAYA
(Maya rettigheder) (Petrona Laynez) CONTIERRA (Landkommissionen) (Pedro Palma Lau) |
Fredag d. 10. august |
Transport fra Guatemala City til Cobán |
Lørdag d. 11. august Søndag d. 12. august Mandag d. 13. august |
Turisme i Cobán og omegn Transport til Lankín |
Tirsdag d. 14. august
Onsdag d. 15. august |
10:00 15:00 9.00-12.00 Eftermiddag |
Transport til Cahabón Besøg hos ADEGMAYA i Cahabón Protierras Defensoría Mujer Maya Møde NGOere Afgang Cobán |
Torsdag d. 16. august |
11.05 |
Afgang fra Guatemala City |
Fredag d. 17 august |
15.15 |
Ankomst Kastrup Lufthavn |
para visita de campo:
Cahabón, Alta
La Coordinación de Organizaciones del Pueblo Maya de Guatemala. Koordinering
af Maya organisationer i Guatemala. A coordinating group made up
of five Maya umbrella organizations: the Council
of Guatemalan Mayan Organizations (COMG), the Academy of Mayan Languages of Guatemala (ALMG), the Coordination
of Mayan Unity and Consensus (IUCM), the Union of Mayan People, and the Mayan Council Tukum Umam.
COPMAGUA has been especially active concerning the accord on indigenous rights
and identity
Centro de Accion Legal en Derechos Humanos - Center for Human Rights Legal
Action (CHRLA): A legal group that pursues human rights cases nationally as
well as internationally through the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado- The Archbishops Human Rights
Office. A lawyers office established in 1990 and working under
the supervision of the archbishop of Guatemala. They investigate and denounce
occurring human rights crimes, provide legal services for human rights victims
and promote human rights through various publications and other educational
initiatives. In 1995 they initiated the Interdiocesan Recovery of the Historic
Memory Project (REMHI) to investigate and identify those responsible for the
various massacres, killings and disapparances during the last three decades
de Diálogo: Desarrollo de Recursos para la Construcción de la Paz" (PROPAZ):
es un programa desarrollado por la OEA a partir de 1995 a solicitud del
gobierno de Guatemala, dirigido a incrementar la capacidad del gobierno y la
sociedad civil guatemalteca para promover el diálogo y la resolución pacífica
de conflictos.
Fundación Myrna Mack (FMM). The Myrna Mack Foundation.Works for the modernization of the judicial system and to facilitate the
building of democracy. Founded in 1993 and named after anthropologist Myrna Mack
who was assassinated in September of 1990