Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club, 1918-1919
Below are accounts of the Bethelehem Steel Soccer Club during their 1918-1919 season taken from The Bethlehem Booster, a small magazine produced by the Bethlehem Steel Company during 1917-1919:
Sept. 2, 1918
Sept. 16, 1918
Oct. 15, 1918 -- vs. Paterson, 4-0 [National League]; vs. New York F. C., 3-0 [National League]
Nov. 1, 1918
Nov. 1, 1918 -- second article
Nov. 15, 1918
Dec. 2, 1918
Dec. 2, 1918 -- second article
Dec. 16, 1918
Dec. 16, 1918 -- second article
Jan. 2, 1919 -- vs. New York Shipbuilders, 2-0
[National Cup]; vs. Merchant B, 6-2 [American Cup, 2nd round]
Feb. 17, 1919 -- vs. Federals, 2-2 [American Cup]
Feb. 17, 1919 -- vs. Merchant A, 1-1 [League]
March 17, 1919 -- Sydney Brown signed
Here are newspaper articles from The Globe of Bethlehem.
July 24, 1918 -- Team remains intact
July 31, 1918 -- Shipyard leagues
August 6, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blow
August 29, 1918 -- soccer notes
August 29, 1918 -- Athletic Chatter
September 10, 1918 Brennigan to come to Bethlehem
September 12, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
September 16, 1918 -- National League schedule
September 20, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
September 23, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
September 24, 1918 -- Soccer Notes
September 26, 1918 -- Soccer Notes
September 27, 1918 -- Soccer Notes
September 30, 1918 -- Corner Kicks
September 30, 1918 -- vs. Paterson, 4-0 [National League]
October 3, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
October 4, 1918 -- soccer notes
October 5, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
October 7, 1918 -- vs. New York F. C., 3-0 [National League]
October 7, 1918 -- National Cup draw
October 7, 1918 -- soccer notes
October 8, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
October 9, 1918 -- soccer notes
October 10, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
October 14, 1918 -- soccer notes
October 16, 1918 -- Charity games with Belgians
October 19, 1918 -- Charity games at Camp Crane
October 21, 1918 -- Charity games at Camp Crane
October 22, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
October 22, 1918 -- Charity games with Belgians
October 24, 1918 -- soccer notes
October 28, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
November 1, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 2, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 4, 1918 -- National Cup news
November 4, 1918 -- vs. Scottish-Americans, 10-0 [National League]
November 5, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 6, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 7, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 12, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
November 14, 1918 -- vs. New York Ship, 3-0 [National Cup, first round]
November 14, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 18, 1918 -- vs. Canadians, 4-1 [exhibition]
November 19, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
November 20, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 21, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
November 22, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 25, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 25, 1918 -- Bethlehem Steel F. C. to travel to West Coast
November 25, 1918 -- vs. Merchant Ship Team A, 4-3 [National Cup, second round]
November 26, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
November 27, 1918 -- soccer notes
November 29, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 2, 1918 -- vs. Canadians, 2-0 [exhibition]
December 3, 1918 -- soccer notes
December 4, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 5, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 6, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 7, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 9, 1918 -- vs. New York Shipbuilders, 2-0 [American Cup, 1st round]
December 10, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 11, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 12, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 13, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 16, 1918 -- vs. Merchant B, 6-2 [American Cup]
December 16, 1918 -- soccer notes
December 17, 1918 -- soccer notes
December 18, 1918 -- soccer notes
December 18, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 19, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 20, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 23, 1918 -- vs. Babcock & Wilcox, 5-0 [National League]
December 23, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 26, 1918 -- B.C.F.C. to St. Louis
December 27, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 28, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 30, 1918 -- vs. Innisfalls, 3-0; vs. St. Louis All-Stars, 1-1 [exhibition games]
December 30, 1918 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
December 31, 1918 -- Review of the Year in Sports
January 2, 1919 -- vs. St. Louis All-Stars, 3-4 [exhibition game]
January 2, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
January 6, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
January 6, 1919 -- Soccer News
January 7, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 8, 1919 -- "How St. Louis Sees Local Soccer Team"
January 8, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 9, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 10, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 13, 1919 -- vs. Merchant A, 3-0 [National League]
January 14, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 15, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 20, 1919 -- athletic chatter
January 20, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
January 23, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 24, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 27, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 27, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
January 27, 1919 -- vs. Federal Shipbuilding, 2-0 [American Cup, third round]
January 28, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 29, 1919 -- soccer notes
January 31, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
February 3, 1919 -- vs. Merchant Shipbuilding, 1-1 [National League]
February 3, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
February 3, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 4, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 5, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
February 5, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
February 7, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
February 8, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
February 10, 1919 -- vs. Shipyard All Stars, 1-1 [exhibition]
February 10, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
February 10, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 12, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 13, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
February 13, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
February 14, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 15, 1919 -- When the Soccer Whistle Blows
February 17, 1919 -- vs. Robins Dry Dock, 4-1 [National League]
February 18, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 19, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
February 19, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 20, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 24, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 24, 1919 -- vs. Babcock & Wilcox, 3-0 [National League]
February 27, 1919 -- soccer notes
February 28, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 3, 1919 -- vs. Goodyear Rubber F. C., 5-0 [4th round National Cup]
March 4, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 5, 1919 -- Athletic Chatter
March 6, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 7, 1919 -- National League standings
March 10, 1919 -- vs. New York F. C., 2-1 [National League]
March 10, 1919 -- National League champions
March 11, 1919 -- Robins preview
March 12, 1919 -- Robins preview
March 13, 1919 -- Robins preview
March 15, 1919 -- Robins preview
March 17, 1919 -- vs. Robins Dry Dock, 3-1 [American Cup, semi-final]
March 17, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 18, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 19, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 21, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 24, 1919 -- Chicago preview
March 25, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 26, 1919 -- Bethlehem Steel's record for 1918-1919
March 26, 1919 -- soccer notes
March 27, 1919 -- Chicago preview
March 29, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 31, 1919 -- vs. Bricklayers and Masons, 5-0 [National Cup semi-final]
March 31, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 1, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 2, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 3, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 3, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 4, 1919 -- Delaware Shipyard preview
April 7, 1919 -- vs. Delaware Ship Yard All-Stars, 2-0 [exhibition game]
April 8, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 9, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 9, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 10, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 10,1919 -- soccer notes
April 14, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 15, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 17, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 17, 1919 -- Paterson preview
April 17, 1919 -- History of A. F. A. Cup
April 18, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 19, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 21, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 21, 1919 -- vs. Paterson, 2-0 [National Cup final]
April 22, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 23, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 24, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 25, 1919 -- soccer notes
April 28, 1919 -- vs. Paterson, 2-0 [American Cup final]
April 28, 1919 -- vs. Robbins, 2-0 [exhibition]
April 29, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 29, 1919 -- soccer notes
May 6, 1919 -- soccer notes
May 10, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 13, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 14, 1919 -- soccer season to continue
May 17, 1919 -- soccer notes
May 19, 1919 -- vs. Paterson, 2-1 [National League]
May 22, 1919 -- soccer notes
May 26, 1919 -- vs. Canadians
May 29, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 31, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 2, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 3, 1919 -- soccer notes
June 6, 1919 -- Thomas Cahill
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club