Your Vice President's Gazette Page
Vice President Mike "Hoosier Daddy" Forti and his Gazette for the week of April 20th, 1999.
WRW Gazette :
There has been so much going on lately in the WRW. First of all lets all
raise a glass and share a moment of silence for Little Pedro Astacio. He was
a special little guy who just happened to cross a goat on a bad day. ( Or was
that Lee Bates ) Now lets get to the news .
1. The Wrestling Ratings came out this week and even though we are still in
last place, Macaroni Sculptures is our biggest Pay Per View to date. Way to
go guys.
2. We also have 4 new wrestlers to speak about this week. They are Val Venis
Flytrap, The Baffoon, Fighting Fury, and MeanWoooo ByGodJean. The lowdown on
these guys right now is as follows :
Val Venis Flytrap has challenged Fly Girl to a match and she has yet to
Fighting Fury will be facing Squirts in a "Jurassic Park " match
The Baffoon just likes to say Fucking shit alot
and We are yet to hear from MeanWoooo ByGodJean.
3. After the Pay Per View the group to make out the best was the Nation Of
Fornication leaving the Pay Per View with two belts.
World Heavyweight Champion - Aixelsyd
Little Bus Cardboard Belt - Dwarf
4. Also at the Pay Per View we saw the return of Dead Man Not walking. It
turns out that the imposter "Jobber" DMNW was his brother Jerry. Jerry was
jealous of his brothers recent fame and fortune that he tried to sabotoge his
career. But my man DMNW is back to stay.
5. Also since the Pay Per View, WRW magazine sales have declined quickly,
Thanks alot Baffoon and Impotent Ernie.
6. Carpetburn is back !!!! Well not the real carpetburn but a monkey with a
carpetburn mask. It seems that Carpetburns wife took the 1,000,000 dollars in
insurance money and bought a monkey put a mask on it and is now calling the
monkey Carpetburn II.
1. Harlowe J. Quimby is rumored to be trying to get into the Nation Of
Fornication. Good Luck Harlowe.
2. There is an Old friend of Commisioner Paul Z's who is pretty bitter about
his recent popularity and he plans on stopping that real soon. Today I
received a note from this man stating that he has a picture of Paul and his
son FIRE HYDRANT BOY ???? We'll see real soon if this is true.
3.There is going to be a contenders board being put up soon. It will explain
on how your ranking will affect your ability to challenge for titles. I have
been talking to the Prez about this. I think that we need one now more than
ever because of the amount of new wrestlers we have coming into the league
daily. Emasil the prez and tell him what you trhink about this idea.
4. Also there is a rumor circulating that the defections have begun and the
WRW will be getting flooded with talent for the next couple of weeks, so rp
often and keep your ranking high.
Theres no doubt in my mind that this weeks award goes to Crash Test Charlie.
Anyone who has the balls to use Vanilla Ice in one of his roleplays getsa lot
of respect from me.
Put out your challenges for this weeks card so that I know who to bet
on...errrr I mean root for.
E-mail me at taintmisbehavin@hotmail.com and you can
Bop on my shmeckel. |
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