My Profile

Image Renshi Lloyd Sushames Image

Renshi Lloyd Sushames

When did you start training?

I first started training to build my self-confidance and to lose weight, I had always been interested in Martial Arts and this seemed a good oppertunity to get fitter without having to jog for miles or playing rugby.
Who was your first instructor?

I first encountered Zen Do Kai in Porirua, at the time there were three instructors, but within a couple of months two of them couldn't maintain their commitment and we were down to one. Unfortunately this instructor wasn't mature enough to control himself and was asked to leave. I then moved on to my current instructor Shihan Shane Longstaff.
How long did it take you to get your Black Belt

For the first three months I trained twice a week and after that i trained five times a week, sometimes more. I achieved Shodan-ho after two and a half years.

How has Zen Do Kai influenced your life?

Over my training career as i progressed throught the physical stages i gained confidence, strenght and fitness then through the mental stages the ability to concentrate, to contemplate and to apply andthen on to the spiritual stage where I am learning compassion and judgment and no doubt there is going to be many more things to learn along the way.

Do you have any advice for new students?

To those people starting out, try to make small but steady changes in how you do things as these changes will be longer lasting than quick drastic changes. Take the time to look back every now and then this will let you know how far you have come and will encourage you to continue.

What are your Martial Arts dislikes?

People who stand back and knock things, if you don't like something get in and have go at changing it or keep your opinon to yourself.

What are your favourite quotes?

The twin of power is responsibility.

Take over what ever needs taking over.

Domo Arigato