NASC Young Coach Program:
"Giving Back to the Game"

        "Giving back to the game."   It's an expression you hear a lot  in soccer. In our case, it refers to more advanced players helping coach younger players. Our Club has instituted this program and we have learned it is a win for everyone: the young coach, the head coach, and -- most importantly --  the players.

    How it Works

    The Young Coach Program is designed to allow older players to work with an NASC coach and help coach a team. You don't have to be a star varsity player to do this. We only ask that you be willing to help our younger players develop a better understanding of soccer. The process is quite simple:
    -- A player completes an application, indicating your preferences and availability.
    -- The Club will match the Young Coach with a coach.
    -- The Young coach is contacted by the head coach and they work out the details of what the young coach will do during the season.
    -- When the season is complete, the head coach is expected to fill out a form, indicating the amount of time the young coach spends (for a sample of what this form looks like click here.)

   There are many ways in which a Young Coach can help with a team. One model used by an experienced coach is like this:

    The head coach is responsbible for completing the form which is an official record of the participation by the Young Coach. We have foujd that previousYoung Coaches have used this form for job applications or college applciations.

    For Players

       We welcome you as a participant in the Young Coach Program. The older players who have participated in this program have absolutely loved it. About a dozen players have completed this program -- some of them repeating it because they liked it so much!

        We ask that you complete an application, indicating what your preferences are (e.g., working with boys or girls, in-house or travel, etc.). You can get a copy of the application  here. Just fill it out, mail it in, and you will be contacted by the coach with whom you will work.

     For Coaches

        If you are interested in working with a Young Coach, please contact your age-group coordinator for details. Note that you are expected to uphold your part in the coaching experience. That is, you are expected to complelte the necesary form, get it notarized, and then signed by the Club president (or designated representative). A copy of this form should be provided to the Club for our records.You can print out a blank copy of this form by clicking  here.