Engineering Psychology
As a recent college graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology I have been researching my options regarding further education and career direction. I am specifically interested in alternatives that combine the fields of psychology and engineering.  I did a web search for these terms and found the field of engineering psychology, also referred to on as ergonomics.
This is a very interesting education/career field for someone like me with a background in psychology who wants to pursue a career in engineering.  For someone who had previously viewed advanced degrees in Psychology as the only way to get a good job with a B.A.S., this is an alternative that interests me and that I want to investigate further.  The combination of psychology and engineering could lead to a very rewarding career.
The information provided here is meant to serve as a resource for other recent college graduates or students who want to learn more about a career combining psychology and engineering.  Continue reading below to discover more about engineering psychology.  Then use the links below to navigate through the rest of the Web Site and discover more about an Engineering Psychologist's job, academic alternatives, and other information about engineering psychology.
What is Engineering Psychology?
Engineering psychology is also referred to as ergonomics or human factors engineering.  It "is a relatively new branch of science which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1999, but relies on research carried out in many other older, established scientific areas, such as engineering, physiology and psychology" (The Ergonomics Society).

Engineering psychology is "the application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to improve the ability of humans to operate more effectively in a technological society" (
Division 21).

"Ergonomics is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use" (
The Ergonomics Society).
Who Do Engineering Psychologists Work For and How Much Do They Make?
What Does an Engineering Psychologist Do? Where Can I Go To School To Study Engineering Psychology?
Engineering Psychology Links