Self Defense Tapes
Unarmed and Dangerous Vol 1.

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Knives, Handguns, and Impact Weapons
by James Keating
Learn what it really takes to defend yourself against an armed attacker. Based on universal movements that work against all hand-held weapons, this is the most effective system of weapon defense ever devised. Color, approx. 75 min.
Unaramed and Dangerous Vol 2.

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Rifles, Shotguns, and Long Weapons
by James Keating
Get the unarmed advantage you need to quickly disable, disarm and defeat attackers armed with rifles, shotguns and long weapons. This easily learned system could mean the difference between being a survivor and a statistic. Color, approx. 75 min.
Best Defense, The, V. 1 - Surviving in the Streets
Best Defense, The, V. 2 - Surviving the Attack
Best Defense, The, V. 3 - Surviving the Weapons