A page dedicated to the Halifax Mooseheads of the QMJHL

I apologize for not being able to keep this site up-to-date. Please enjoy the photos and sign my Guestbook if you like. Also, visit the Official Mooseheads Home Page for current pics and info. Thanks, Johnstonefan34 (Dec 28th, 2005) Go Moose Go! :)

The 1998-99 version of Moose Corner: where all the pics and info are!! =^)

Training Camp 1999
Training Camp 99 Pics!!
Exhibition 1999
Moose News    
1999-2000 Team
1999-2000 Schedule and Scores 
Ramzi Abid  
Missing Moose
Misc Pics
Hip Check & Need for Speed
Big Joe & Steady Freddie
Wild Thing
Our Jonathans

*Memorial Cup 2000 Official Page*

Always Under Construction so please be patient and visit the 98-99 page and come back often for all Moose info!! =^) Thanx!

Sign My Guestbook!!
View my Guestbook!!

**Pics Provided by Halifax Herald some of my own coming...:)**