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A class of its own


98S35... A class that never came across my mind when I was still waiting for my first day in Hwa Chong. Well, my first impressions of JC life was of course from my brother. From the way I look at it, he didn't have much fun at Anderson. But when I stepped into the classroom during the ice breaker session, together with Kim Chong, KC and PH, I had that sense of coldness in the room. Anyway, the session did go on well enough, although i had the difficult first task of having to remember ALL YOUR names at once. You people might have been to engrossed in listening to whether I get the names correct or not, until I also didn't get a chance to tell you all my name and my nick. I must say I was put under a lot of pressure then.

Next of of course the fun and games. I wasn't sure whether all of us were disappointed when we had no chance of playing WAR GAMES. However I missed the time when we went out right after the games to have dinner at Beauty World Hawker (which has become our favourite dinning place). And the time when we guys led the girls to bathe at the swimming pool after the telematch. And how united we were in painting the banner and dancing the Barbie dance.
(Oops... I think the guys wouldn't want to be reminded about that incident again.)

Next was of course STUDY. It was really fun PRCing during lectures. It was one of the best way of getting rid of boredom, accumulated due to uninteresting subjects and topics taught during lectures. It would have been fun if we kept our used papers and read about what we have written, 10 or 20 years down the road. The interesting part is, it was cheaper than IRC.

Well, not long after was Chinese New Year. Remember the food stall that we set up last year? Up till now, I still couldn't believe that we made a profit from our sales, even though I believe our marketing duo of Yiling and Wala did a nice job dressing up to "increase our sales". Our chin chow drink was also made "undrinkable" as a few metal rust fell into the pail of drink while we were preparing it. But I must say it was real fun making the fortune cookies; all the different daibye messeages that we wrote in the cookies..... etc.

The next event I could remember was our mid-year chalet. I was kind enough to ask my parents to get you all such a nice chalet at SAFRA; where you can hear planes flying past every now and then, and a nice sea view. I'm sure the gals can still remember Xiuwei and co. singing outside the bedroom to wake you people up.... so funny. We also had a nice barbecue, even though it almost rained that night. Last but not least, it was the first time I was watching a World Cup game with my friends, although I couldn't last long enough to watch finish the match between Norway and Morocco.

Time flew after that and soon not long after, it was our block tests and then promos. Not many significant events happened during that period of time. But of course, the next event was the FOS and Fac day. I never exercised so much before in a day. The FOS was really a test of my stamina. I'm sure you people would remember the soccer-like basketball match between us and S6 something. I didn't believe we could win that. Maybe we had people like Tootall and Neiliang around. Not forgetting our scorer Kian and Charles. However, our incompetence really showed when we were thrashed by S25. Not forgetting both our volleyball teams. The gals produce some good display of volleyball, but to no avail. The guys also did a good job in getting past the first round but were unlucky to be knocked out by some good heading displayed by Tan Liyu of S25. The Faculty Day was also an unmemorable one. I think Neiliang would still be feeling guilty of splashing Lin Li until she is real wet. But it was still fun, wasn't it? Talking about Faculty Day, I'm sorry to say that I forgot all about the Faculty dance liao.......


To be continued.....