Oh Shit, they have a new show, new songs, new outfits, and the same Dumb-Ass crap day in and day out!! It it just me, or is Donny Osmond the creepiest bastard on televison?? he talk non-stop about himself, and the "old show". Screw the old show, donnie. It sucked. It's just another piece of 70s crapola that should have died with the decade. Donnie just plain sucks!! Now Marie, she is kind of a hottie, if she doesn't open her damn mouth. They only good thing about this poop, is that it is great to watch if you want to take a afternoon nap.
Ok, I bet you thought I was going to say smoking, right???? WRONG!! I like to smoke. What pisses me off, is NON-smokers. You pieces of crap already make me smoke outside, now you want to raise the price so I CAN'T afford to smoke. That's crap. This is America, baby. I should be able to smoke as much as I want, at a resonable price. I don't want the damn government controlling what I put in my body, by my own choice. So, NON-smokers who bitch and moan, I got two words for ya... SHUT UP!!!!!
ha...ha..ha..ha.....Trailer park trash. Who likes these people??? Damn, I don't think I even need to rant about these losers. I know, there ARE some nice people that live in mobile homes. But shit, you people should at least pick up the 16oz. cans of Stag off the front "yard". And put some wheels on your broken-ass El Camino. The girls are sluts, and the guys are brainless, drunken assholes. So, in conclusion "You are all unintelligent pieces of trailer park trash"!!!
Ahhh yes, Frat boys. Now, I don't know these guys, They are just random assholes. I'm not going to waste too much typing on Frat Boys. All I have to say is.... have another Bud-light, and look for a freshman girl to date-rape. Have a Nice Day
Ok, I've had fucking enough.....I must speak about small, japanese cars. What are you people thinking?? Do you think they are "samrt" or "economical"??? I'll tell you what they are....CRAP!! Only a pussy-boy would drive a Honda or Toyota. Come on, guys...get a real car. Drive a damn cadillac. THAT is a nice ride. Yup, they have AUTOMATIC transmissions, and COMFORTABLE seats. Unlike those death-traps, Caddies's are safe. Oh, and you don't look like a big dork driving one.