Hello fellow Americans, and especially you young Teens. I have a special place in my heart for the young people of this country. So, here is my first page where I answer teens' questions. So, "Check it out, Dude."
This Question comes from Ally Jamison, from New Mexico........
Ally:Mr. President, My best friend has been talking about me behind my back to this really cute boy that I have a little crush on. she has been saying some really gross stuff!!!! I'm sure he won't like me now..what should I do????
Mr. Clinton:Dear Ally,
That is a problem, and it requires some serious thought...........
This next Question comes from Jason Robarts, from St. Louis, MO........
Jason: Mr. President.....You da MAN!!!! How do you score with so many bitches?? I try to fuck all the girls at my school, but they aren't down with it. I even get dissed by the fat chicks...help me BILL!!!!
Mr. Clinton: Dear Jason,
Young American, I feel your pain. There was a time, when even I couldn't get a piece of pussy. It's really pretty simple, jason. First, marry a smart, but boring, lady who can manage your affairs. Then, enter politics, and win a powerful office. After you've done that, use your power to have sex with anyone you want!!! Women can't resist you, becasue you can throw them in jail, or have them fired, or...have them killed.
This one is from Missy A. Smith..........
Missy: Mr. Clinton I think you are a horrible man. What gives you the right to lie to the American people??? It sucks. I think you took advantage of that poor Monica Lewinsky. What are you going to do to make things right in the White House??
Mr. Clinton: Dear Missy,
Nothing. What gives me the right to lie is the fact that I am te most powerful man on the planet. I bet you are some prudish little bitch that doesn't put out. And the President doesn't talk with bitches that don't put out. So, either you give me that ass, or I don't answer your Question.
Our last Question comes from Chelsea Clinton, From Stanford.
Chelsea: Mr. President, why do you keep calling my roomate??? I know you told her you wanted to feel her pain, but isn't this going a little far?? You make me cry, dad. All my friends say that you have tried to fuck them. Is that true?? I sure hope not, 'cause mom will be PISSED!!!
Mr. President: Dear Chelsea,
I am truly sorry. I have misled you. Ms. Lewinksy and I did do some innapropriate touching but...........oh fuck, it's just you. Tell your roomate to talk to my boy Vernon, he'll hook her up real nice. Your friends are right, except for that nerdy-ass bitch down the hall from ya. I might have said a few things to her, but I was drunk as shit, I swear!!! Anyway as far as the Old Lady goes, you keep your damn mouth shut. If you tell her anything, You're one dead BITCH!!!