Branch-Lane Reunion Coming up September 23-24, for more info click HERE
Greetings and welcome to the Branch-Lane Brigade Society home on the web!
Here you will find information about the brigade and more. In the photographs above are on the left, Brigader General Lawrence O. Branch, and on the right is Brigader General James H. Lane. Above, you will find links to information about different troops and the history of the brigade. With the growing interest in the Branch-Lane Brigade, and the creation of the Branch-Lane Brigade Society, a discussion group has been established. Join in and learn more about General Branch and Lane or share your information with the rest of the group. This is just a small feature of this site and are plenting more information to see. Thank you for visiting our site and look forward to future visits.
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  With this discussion group, topics will cover anything related to the brigade: 7th NCST, 18th NCT, 28th NCT, 33rd NCT, and the 37th NCT, along with Generals Branch, Lane, and their staffs. On-topic discussions can include battles, campaigns, winter quarters, uniforms, equipment, flags, pre-war and post-war lives of the men who served, and the cemeteries that they are buried in. All questions relevant to the brigade are welcome, so, please feel free to jump in, ask, or share any information you have about the men and their brigade. You never know what you might find. For those of you that might have questions about this group, feel free to contact me, Michael C. Hardy, and I will be glad to try and help. In the event that you would like to be taken off this list, just click here UNSUBSCRIBE, don't put anything in the subject, remarks, or anywhere else. The program will detect your return email address, see that you are a registered member sending a blank email, and interpret that as an "Unsubscribe" notice.

© 2005 Barry Houck Web Design
© 2005 Branch-Lane Brigade
  ©2005 Michael C. Hardy