The principle behind cashback is simple. Most people now are buying at least SOME things online, and stores will literally pay you to shop with them!.

Basically companies will pay good money to advertise, and with cashback sites, you get a cut of what the company pays the site for their advertisement. So everybody wins for once! The company wins, as you spend your money with them, the site wins, as the company pays them advertising revenue, and most importantly, you win, as the site gives you a portion of what they receive from the company.

On most cashback sites you can win twice over. There will usually be a "free" section, which simply requires you to sign up for various offers, and you get paid a (usually) small sum for signing up. However, with about 25 free offers per site, the money can soon add up.

Before you start signing up for anything, go and create a free email address, at yahoo, hotmail, gmail or the like. The one thing I can guarentee you, is that no matter how little work you put into doing this you WILL end up getting a ton of spam. However, as I've made £40 in ten days on one site, not even working very hard, I think it's worth it. But you don't want all that spam going into your main email address.

OK, so who do I use? Well, at the moment, I mainly use one cashback site, and that is Mrs. Cashback. They have, as I said earlier, just about every service you could want on there, and the cashback is quite generous compared to others I've seen. You only need to sign on as a basic (ie free) member, (for which they credit your account with £10...nice ;->)and depending on how much you shop online, you can make about £4 - £10 a day.

Not a heck of a lot, but say you make £5 a day. Thats £35 a week. Or £140 a month. Or £1680 a year. In theory, you could pay for next years holiday with it! There is only one snag that I've found with Mrs. Cashback, and that is, you can't withdraw your money for about 60 days. That might not be a particular problem, if you're saving for next years holiday, but it's aggravating knowing the cash is sat in their account making interest when it could be in yours! On the whole though, I give them 7/10. I really would go and check them out if I were you.

I do also use on occasions, although I have to say, their pay to click section (more about that later) is not as user friendly as Mrs. Cashback's, nor is their cashback quite so generous, however it's certainly worth going and having a looksee. Next we are going to look at Pay To Click.

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