're here to make money. Of course you are. And which one of us has not seen websites saying "sign up here, and send me [insert silly amount of money], and I'll send you my system for making [insert even more ridiculous amount of money!] overnight!
Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is, you really CAN make money online. The bad news is, I'm afraid it's highly unlikely you'll make enough to retire on (however if you DO manage to make that much, please email me and let me know how you did it!).
What you probably can do, depending on how much time you're willing to put into it, is make a nice little sum for Christmas (or Hanukah, or Diwali or...)
What I'm going to do here is tell you a little bit about the sites that I use, and, I'll be honest, I'll put a link for you to sign up to them....which will make me money! It's called an affiliation scheme, and I'll talk more about it later. However, I WILL NOT ask you to send me any money WHATSOEVER. EVER. NO WAY. Nor will I put a link to a site up here, just so that I can make money out of it. The sites I list will all make me money, but more importantly, they really can and will make you money. Just to clarify one more thing. I'm in the UK and ALL the schemes I list work here. Of course there's more sites operating in the States (that wont let you join), but there are a few that really do work here.
Ok, are we ready to go? Then lets get right on with our first lesson. It's called Cashback!